Why I can't get into Black Metal

Nymphoria said:
That's all Graveland is is "Viking-esque". Graveland are boring.

Umm ... no <_< I hear very little Viking metal in the first three albums.
TheGreatDeceiver said:
If the production of an album interferes with the listening experience then it fails.

OK you appear to have missed the point somewhat, minimal production is often specifically engineered to add to the listening experience desired by the band. If an atmosphere devoid of any warmth or comfort for the listener is required then that is what they create in the studio, hearing the music outside this context is not how the band wish you to experience their music.
Because Dissection didn't create the atmosphere on their albums in anything like the same way many of the more underground BM innovators did. They were more about being violent and theatrical in a more traditional metal style. I'm not the best person to explain this to you since I don't realy like BM all that much, but the simplicity and repitition of a lot of BM works with the production to pull in the listener far more than you're typical death or thrash band.
GreatDeceiver, you exaggerate. Even on albums known for rough production like the Fullmoon demo and old Mutiilation, it's easy enough to hear the music. Saying "I can't even hear the music" is like saying "it's just noise." Granted, there are some bands with unlistenable production, but not nearly as many as people believe.
Yeah I agree, the dude from Blood Ritual put it perfectly in one of his interviews where he said "brutality has to be taken in context, otherwise it ends up as a barrage of notes and time signatures haranguing listeners"...I'd have to agree, but I do sometimes enjoy those types of bands. Black metal is about focus with the rawness, something to lose yourself in.
O... so it could be considered an equivalent of distortion on guitars? Necessary for the point they are tyring to get across?
The rawness is partly to establish a mood. I think you just have to ignore it and focus on the music at first until you really get it. It makes it sound more brutal. Apparently it works, if some poeple like you can't stand it. It is like the difference between clean and distorted.