when did you start seriously getting into metal?

I started listen to metal back in 1945 when I was three years old. Linkin Park was da shit.

Bah, I can't bother to answer this. How many times have this been asked before? I reckon it's like the most common topic, that and "who is the best drummer" thread.
I always listened to Iron Maiden and AC/DC and all the old stuff. We have a home video of me singing "Number of the Beast" when I was about five. I didn't get really into any other metal until about 1998; my dad used to work next door to a record shop, and he swiped a couple of unsold compilations ("Best of Metal Blade" and "Slave To The Metal") when they were chucking out their back stock. They were what got me hooked. So I guess you could say I was about 15 before I became a "serious" listener, and I'm now 20.