When did you stop believing in god?

I still don't like lesbian porn. Don't make be bring out the cheeseburger analogy. :lol:

So what your saying is that your saying is...... ;)

I jest - honestly :)

your comment made me think of this Ron White riff.
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Stopped believing in God when I started smoking pot, at around 17/18. Prior to that I was relatively convinced of God's existence and relevance. It's nice to rest assured there's something better on the other side waiting for you. It is also very, very delusional.

Muslims take every pot shot to heart and foam at the mouth whenever their beliefs are mocked. This is partly due to the fact that all predominantly Muslim countries are either broke as dirt and have severe economic problems, or they are unbelievably rich and exist as tyrannical banana states much like something outta Tropico. Of course, liberal western Europe and America does not feel in any way shape or form responsible for the sorry state of affairs these people face (many of them directly fucked by the powers that be, or their princely cronies on the ground), so they are reduced to being easily manipulated and agitated. Then again I'm not convinced that most governments (particularly the US government) give a flying shit about their own average citizen, let alone someone over yonder in misfortunestan.

Of course one has to wonder what moral/mental state a society is in when rape/theft/murder/embezzlement/manipulation on monumental scales are perceived as justifiable to any extent. The "Muslim world" never had more money and less sense in it's history. It's a morass of hypocrisy and illiteracy, and the sooner any Muslims with sense realize this the better. However, "doing something about it" as we can see in Syria, is not always the smartest choice, from a pure survivalist animal standpoint.
Another thing to consider... I have heard several medical doctors say that the way the human body is set up it should not work and that it is a miracle that stuff isn't always going wrong with our bodies, that we really shouldn't even be alive. Furthermore it's common to hear doctors to say that patients who are in bad shape are more likely to survive if they have families that pray for them, no matter what the religion. That is not exactly concrete, empirical evidence, but it is interesting.

I doubt any of you are medical doctors. If you are, or maybe related to one, I would be curious to hear what you have to say about that.
Another thing to consider... I have heard several medical doctors say that the way the human body is set up it should not work and that it is a miracle that stuff isn't always going wrong with our bodies, that we really shouldn't even be alive. Furthermore it's common to hear doctors to say that patients who are in bad shape are more likely to survive if they have families that pray for them, no matter what the religion. That is not exactly concrete, empirical evidence, but it is interesting.

I doubt any of you are medical doctors. If you are, or maybe related to one, I would be curious to hear what you have to say about that.

First of all.. you've heard several medical doctors say that? Not to be that guy, but to me that doesnt very likely at all and its a bogus statement to begin with.
If you have any sources with more in depth information about this i would like to read it.

And in the end its not the praying that helps you, but generally people fight harder when they believe in something(That doesn't have to be anything religious at though.).
Basically its just about keeping morale up.. but there are other ways of doing it.
praying for someone=you care and you want him/her to recover.

I'm with notuern on this. I've seen many cases of people getting worse with depression, however people that feel surrounded by their friends/family were quicker getting better.

Sadly, there are some cases where praying/caring/goat sacrifice won't help.
Another thing to consider... I have heard several medical doctors say that the way the human body is set up it should not work and that it is a miracle that stuff isn't always going wrong with our bodies, that we really shouldn't even be alive. Furthermore it's common to hear doctors to say that patients who are in bad shape are more likely to survive if they have families that pray for them, no matter what the religion. That is not exactly concrete, empirical evidence, but it is interesting.

I doubt any of you are medical doctors. If you are, or maybe related to one, I would be curious to hear what you have to say about that.


It's not even interesting. It's about as interesting as sticking razor blades in my wife's pussyhole and going gung-ho with my tongue!!

(ie: not)
I can't remember exactly when I stopped believing, but it would have been right around the time I started to notice trends like this emerging: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/402381.article

I came to realize that the more I learned about the world, the more I formed self-fulfilling patterns of reasoning, and the less I 'needed' to believe in something unsubstantiated. As I grew up and became a cynical bastard I started outright warring against religious belief. I no longer do as I'm too tired and feel that the problem will sort itself out over time, as the traffic of global information becomes ever more free. I still believe that organized religion is a prime source of much of the world's abhorrence, wastefulness, and a shelter for those who are intolerant, idiotic, masochistic, pedophilic and otherwise vile. I also believe that it's a shackle which many good-natured people don't need as much as they think they do. It also saddens me to see otherwise intellectual individuals warring with their own reasoning in order to rationalize a belief in religion which is anything other than rational, but rather a byproduct of their upbringing that they cannot divide from themselves. The religious institutions are often nothing more than business entities that draws a leader-caste megalomaniacal enough to want power and wealth at the cost of others, much like politics and commercial enterprise do.

Using the Catholic faith as a baseline, I believe that teaching children from a very young age that a mythical character 'died' for their (arguably nonexistent) 'sins' and indebting them to an institution which reigns control through fear is tantamount to emotional child abuse, and should not be tolerated in any modern, liberal nation. I could also make a case for physical abuse in the realm of the Jewish faith and the mutilation of young boys' genitalia, but that's become widely accepted as a 'cosmetic' modification to make to children and against all reason appears to subvert most critical attention.

Anyhow, the notions of guilt, faith and blind obedience are inherent to the Judeo-Christian belief system and foster what is essentially the antithesis to a modern, progressive populace.
except for me it happened before i went to 1st grade, guess i never really had a childhood, can't remember ever believing in the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause either

unrelated to religion exactly
the reason i myself still have a foreskin is because my mom knew about this botched circumcision http://jl10ll.wordpress.com/2010/11...context-of-todays-sex-reassignment-surgeries/ before i was born and insistently refused to let the doctor circumcize me because she was afraid he would accidently destroy my penis
I really like this thread. I think the Internet has evolved into a whorehouse for the most part. But there are bright spots like this one. There is actually some really good discussion here. This is a goldmine for future archaeologists.
i'm imagining my grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren somehow reading this thread and also all the "whorehouse parts of the internet" from this "era"
Just stumbled upon this piece of gold from this past Monday.

Here you go - take your chance, put up $10,000 and you too can argue before a judge with a "Creationist" in the Literal Genesis Trial DUHDUHDUH!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::cool::p

creationist v evolotionist trial?? :lol:
Another thing to consider... I have heard several medical doctors say that the way the human body is set up it should not work and that it is a miracle that stuff isn't always going wrong with our bodies, that we really shouldn't even be alive. Furthermore it's common to hear doctors to say that patients who are in bad shape are more likely to survive if they have families that pray for them, no matter what the religion. That is not exactly concrete, empirical evidence, but it is interesting.

I doubt any of you are medical doctors. If you are, or maybe related to one, I would be curious to hear what you have to say about that.

a huge part of it is psychosomatic
"power of the mind"
you will either die because you think you're gonna die
or you live because you think you're gonna live

it's why you see those those "oldschool ciggarrette smokers" who were already smoking all the way back before anyone knew ciggerette smoke was dangerous and you see them live past 100 even though they've been smoking since they were 12, they didn't get cancer just simply because they still firmly believe that ciggarrette smoking is totally safe

it's why you see most 95% of the people with AIDS don't actually have any fucking symptoms at all untill after they're told they have AIDS, they don't have any fucking AIDS symptoms just simply because they don't know they have AIDS

i know a guy that had a huge cancer tumor, but he had no idea till he had to get a full-body MRI after a car-wreck
(all the car wreck injuries completely totally healed within a few weeks)
the doctors discover he had a cancer tumor, measured and documented the exact size of it, and then promptly somehow lost the actual image from the MRI
so even though they've still got the measurements of the tumor, they had to do another MRI before they could start any kind of cancer treatment, it took an entire 2 weeks to schedule another MRI and within that time the cancer tumor had shrank significantly
the tumor had shrunk so much that they were able to just simply completely totally remove the tumor
after removing the tumor, they analyzed the tumor and they said that the tumor was definately unmistakeably already shrinking long before the car accident, even though he had no idea the cancer was there, then, after completely removing the tumor the doctors actually flat-out told this guy that if he had not had the car accident the tumor would have shrunken into nothingness and he would have never even known the cancer had been there

he didn't know the cancer was there because he had no symptoms
he had no symptoms because he didn't know the cancer was there

this guy was beating cancer BECAUSE he didn't know it was there
this guy was healthy because he believed he was healthy
it's why you see most 95% of the people with AIDS don't actually have any fucking symptoms at all untill after they're told they have AIDS, they don't have any fucking AIDS symptoms just simply because they don't know they have AIDS

i know a guy that had a huge cancer tumor, but he had no idea till he had to get a full-body MRI after a car-wreck
(all the car wreck injuries completely totally healed within a few weeks)
the doctors discover he had a cancer tumor, measured and documented the exact size of it, and then promptly somehow lost the actual image from the MRI
so even though they've still got the measurements of the tumor, they had to do another MRI before they could start any kind of cancer treatment, it took an entire 2 weeks to schedule another MRI and within that time the cancer tumor had shrank significantly
the tumor had shrunk so much that they were able to just simply completely totally remove the tumor
after removing the tumor, they analyzed the tumor and they said that the tumor was definately unmistakeably already shrinking long before the car accident, even though he had no idea the cancer was there, then, after completely removing the tumor the doctors actually flat-out told this guy that if he had not had the car accident the tumor would have shrunken into nothingness and he would have never even known the cancer had been there

he didn't know the cancer was there because he had no symptoms
he had no symptoms because he didn't know the cancer was there

this guy was beating cancer BECAUSE he didn't know it was there
this guy was healthy because he believed he was healthy

This is a tangent but an important one. The medical industry seems to be on its heels trying not to get sued. And as a result they are overdiagnosing and overmedicating. If a doctor is not sure if it's cancer, he is likely going to say it is cancer so he doesn't get sued.

That is why, in my conspiracy-theory-poisoned mind, the medical industry needs a major overhaul.
Lets stop OT'ing, if someone wants to keep that discussion rolling: New thread
Let this one breathe for a while longer. ;)