When do you drop things to be serious with music?

From my experience with bands, both my own and bigger bands I know you need to keep a day job. More than anything it's because being in a band, taking it seriously is super expensive. You either buy on to a bigger bands tour as a support slot and have everything catered for or DIY it and spend a fortune on fuel/van/food. I know this because I have done both in my band.
I've got tours lined up supporting an Earache signed band as well as constantly trying to line up shows up and down the UK myself. Recently I've become a full time student and due to a move dont have a job anymore wich has meant that I've had to use food money to pay for new tshirts and fuel so far but without that money there is no band. It's a struggle but in short don't give up on anything to do music 'full time' until you are ever in a position that you can be toruing 10 months of the year and have multiple albums released on big labels and sell out shows regularly..

Thats my two cents anyway haha.