When someone like Andy records live gigs

Unnecessary, ignorant, and incorrect - and a little winking smiley doesn't suddenly make everything fine either, so don't try to pull that one (you might as well have said "no offense, but..." instead)

yeah no doubt.

Honestly my input on the whole live album thing is......well who gives a fuck. It sounds awesome, its fun to watch, who fucking cares how it was done. If you want the real live sound then you should have been at the show.
Hmm, funny that because the best live 'extreme' metal albums I've heard are taken straight from the mixing desk, Death live in L.A being one great example. I just think live albums should be messed with as little as possible, you want something that catches the energy of the live performance, not the sterility of the studio. SMALL overdubs can help I.E 'Live after death', but when your re-amping, re-shaping, E.Q-ing and triggering the drums on a 'live' album (and call me old fashioned) but your defeating the point of it being a live release. I've seen Arch Enemy live, and they sounded bugger-all like that live DVD, I’ve also seen Rainbow and they sounded pretty much exactly like the 'live in Munich' live album, case n' point.

you're old fashioned

(had to)
tearsofthedragon: you have your preferences and everyone else has thiers. The point of coming on a BB and berating everyone because they do/don't do things the way you like, and then refusing any sort of criticism on your end is futile and implying you are either a dickhead or purely ignorant. It's ok to have a preference, and it's ok to like what you like...but to jump on a message board, especially one where reamping/drum replacement/editing/etc are all normal substance, and start trying to stick it to everyone just makes you sound like a bonehead. Agree or disagree with anyone and everyone if you wish, but you don't need to act all superior over eveyone about it. It's all personal preference.

In support of what was said, you get what you pay for. If you want the polished, edited, pristine sounding live album? Buy it! If you want the fucked up, mud-mixed sounding bootleg? Buy it! Good for you. There is no sense of entitlement to be had about other bands wishing to produce thier live material one way or the other...you either want it and get it, or you don't.
can recording the multi-tracks of the performance be allowed, or can the band only be allowed to release what came from the main outs of the board that night? if the engineer sucked then the band is screwed whether they preformed well or not. even if the engineer didn't suck, it would still sound poor because people are referencing that mix on a different system than it was originally mixed on. a mix at 110dbs is not going to sound as good at 20db. imagine the opposite as well, you spend 4 hours mixing a song on some laptop speakers and then go to check it out on a big pa, how do you think it will sound? most likely terrible.

so if we can agree on that, then we can agree that recording multi-tracks of a performance is ok? OH but wait! what if the drummer didn't hit his snare as hard during one verse compared to the chorus? is it a sin to automate the volume of things or eq them after the band has performed because that's not "capturing the true performance?"

my whole point is that it's stupid to say that regular recording techniques used for albums on a daily basis should not be allowed for live recording, except for possibly blatant overdubs and complete re-tracking of a particular instrument.
Yes Metaltastic that's right, it's called Maths in Britain! Since we’ve invoked the spelling police why don’t you enlighten us with your spelling of the word ‘colour’ and we can all have a chuckle…

From what I remember (and If you read back) the hostility was started towards me first. You don't like my opinion that's fine, but if you insult me then I'm dam well commenting back! Just because I don't choose to be one of the nodding sheep in this thread does not mean I am acting superior, I just have a different P.O.V.
Yes Metaltastic that's right, it's called Maths in Britain! Since we’ve invoked the spelling police why don’t you enlighten us with your spelling of the word ‘colour’ and we can all have a chuckle…

From what I remember (and If you read back) the hostility was started towards me first. You don't like my opinion that's fine, but if you insult me then I'm dam well commenting back! Just because I don't choose to be one of the nodding sheep in this thread does not mean I am acting superior, I just have a different P.O.V.

That would be "damn" not "dam" and it's arrogant pricks like you that make me ashamed to be British.
And COBHC you also made some crack about my 'standard of recording', what the fuck would you know? Heard all my stuff have you?
So because your retarded fucking view is different from that of myself, and all the other people who have commented in this thread, that makes us sheep? And no I haven't heard any of your shit, it just seems that since you have a fondness for not editing anything it makes me think your recordings will be raw, undefined and a complete muddy mess. Or do you not have that opinion with you own recordings, where it is ok for you to fix stuff, but not for anyone else? Ultimately you're getting ignored so I don't really give a shit what you think about me.