Where's the power? Where's the glory?

Thats to bad, I would love to see them live again. I also could think of at least 50 people of the top of my head who come just to see them.

that is with any old band though. This is the issue....only 50 people are coming in for bands. It would be nice to get 400 for bands. It was crazy to see 1,000 people watching someone like Medieval Steel and singing along but if they played here at the fest there would have been like 30 people up front just standing there.
Bob, this is where your logic is EXTREMELY faulty....

Medieval Steel did NOT draw 1,000 people.
Them combined with Holocaust, Angel Witch, Burning Star, etc, etc, etc, did.....
Bob, this is where your logic is EXTREMELY faulty....

Medieval Steel did NOT draw 1,000 people.
Them combined with Holocaust, Angel Witch, Burning Star, etc, etc, etc, did.....

Dummy...I didnt say they drew 1,000 people. They had 1,000 people watching and singing along. 1,000 people staying focused on the show. Not like here where people are barely watching the show. They were like you said a band in a long line of great acts. Any band can draw 50 people or get 50 people to say they will go if they play. It boils down to people actually showing up for these shows.
Yes, but you said it in the context of what holocaust would draw, so one could deduct that you implied that 1,000 were there for Medieval Steel. Doesn't matter. You think Zuul would draw 300 people in the city on a Tuesday....

Well, wait a second. You also said Ragnarokkr would sell out in advance in the city!
Yes, but you said it in the context of what holocaust would draw, so one could deduct that you implied that 1,000 were there for Medieval Steel. Doesn't matter. You think Zuul would draw 300 people in the city on a Tuesday....

Well, wait a second. You also said Ragnarokkr would sell out in advance in the city!

never said Zuul draws 300 in the city. There were TONS of people there to see Medieval Steel at KIT....they were one of the bands who had the largest crowds watching...but oh yeah....you know all.

Ragnarokkr is actually selling really well and a good chance of a sell out. Doing better than the past 2 years that took place in the burbs. Even Odin says that the city location has done better for him. Since you imply that I dont know how shows draw....I know that no one will be watching you guys since I will pull you off the show! zing!
Ummm.. No...No it is not actually.......

I mean, maybe terrible that you could actually be "jailed" for it.....

Anyhow, sounds like a conversation we can continue over a beer (or apple juice in your case) on Friday.....

Dave better come both days and actually I had a guy at a bar making jokes about the germans killing the jews in Germany. It was very uncomfortable but funny.
I really hope the show DOES sell out!
I am just saying you made statements previously that the show would sell out in advance in the city.

Let's hope the good weather will help in making people want to get out as well.....

As far as denying the holocaust???
Why jail people for it?
I say living in public with their own idiocy is punishment enough!

Olorin discuss it often here and on FB.

JP from Borrowed Time and Carmine (Sexy red leather pants) Blades from Seax discuss it on FB a lot as well.......
Ummm.. No...No it is not actually.......

I mean, maybe terrible that you could actually be "jailed" for it.....

Anyhow, sounds like a conversation we can continue over a beer (or apple juice in your case) on Friday.....

That sounds like fun. I don't drink apple juice though, too much sugar. Don't forget to bring the Manowar CDs!