Which album should I get?


New Metal Member
Dec 21, 2009
Some years ago someone was playing a Vintersorg album, I remember enjoying it, but I can't remember for the life of me what album it was. I've kept my eye out since for Vintersorg albums, but haven't found any, and I'm not sure which one would be the best for a Vintersorg newbie. So what would you recommend?
The album that got me into Vintersorg is Odemarkens Son and it is still my favorite album to this day. So I would highly recommend that one, or Cosmic Genesis.
All the albums are awesome!! So well... if you like some more folkish style, I would recommend the first 2 albums (and the EP), if you like some more progressive style, I would recommend the next 3 (Cosmic Genesis, Visions from the spiral generator and The focusing blur), and if the last album has some folkish bits, but also it's quite progressive...

My recommendation: Buy them all!! :P, or try one, I can tell you, you won't be disappointed!! ;D
Everyone has their preference, but safest bet is probably Cosmic Genesis. But all the Mr.V albums are good... can't go wrong. My personal favorite is Visions from the Spiral Generator, but my favorite song, Microscopical Macrocosm, is on The Focusing Blur.

It seriously is a good discography, though. So getting everything is something you should consider. I say that as a fanboy, but most people would agree that if you like Mr.V's stuff, he has been consistent about quality in his recordings.

And if you're not someone who cares about having the physical CD (I'm not), you can get most / all of them on iTunes (haven't checked for all of them, since I physically own all my Mr.V CDs).
Personally I love every Vintersorg album, and each one is perfect for differents occasions. But I think that the most "accessible" Vintersorg album is the last one, "Solens Rötter". His vocals are top notch here, no doubt about it. Both VFTSG and TFB could be a bit intricate to approach Vintersorg music (although you'll love them to the bones, hahaha). Cosmic Genesis is another good choice, its a very progrish album. You'll hear a bit of old and new Vintersorg there.

Wish I could talk you about the others, but I'm falling asleep.
Everyone has their preference, but safest bet is probably Cosmic Genesis. But all the Mr.V albums are good... can't go wrong. My personal favorite is Visions from the Spiral Generator, but my favorite song, Microscopical Macrocosm, is on The Focusing Blur.

It seriously is a good discography, though. So getting everything is something you should consider. I say that as a fanboy, but most people would agree that if you like Mr.V's stuff, he has been consistent about quality in his recordings.

And if you're not someone who cares about having the physical CD (I'm not), you can get most / all of them on iTunes (haven't checked for all of them, since I physically own all my Mr.V CDs).

Agreed, we are a bunch of fanboys and groupies (witht he exception of Elvina, of course :)).

But get Cosmic Genesis, they're quite cheap on http://www.napalmrecords.com/
A word of warning though; no matter what you choose, you're stuck for life! (and if you should then become an active member of the forum, bye bye normal life :D)


mr V
I just took out one of the vintersorg albums I haven't listened to in a while (Ödemarkens son).

It cannot be said enough...god dammit Vintersorg is good. It's just such a f-ing shame he doesn't get the recognition he truly deserves.

If you know swedish, you'll see that his lyrical genius is so, so far above every other artist out there. His eloquent and poetic way of using old and forgotten swedish words is so beautiful and brilliant at the same time.

"Svältvinter" and "Under norrskenets fallande ljusspel" are giving me goosebumps like CRAZY right now. I love this man.
A word of warning though; no matter what you choose, you're stuck for life! (and if you should then become an active member of the forum, bye bye normal life :D)

Hahaha indeed! :kickass:


mr V

Look at that! He enjoys seeing as suffer! He loves that we can't listen to other music except his! ;) Not really but you get my point :p .

I just took out one of the vintersorg albums I haven't listened to in a while (Ödemarkens son).

It cannot be said enough...god dammit Vintersorg is good. It's just such a f-ing shame he doesn't get the recognition he truly deserves.

If you know swedish, you'll see that his lyrical genius is so, so far above every other artist out there. His eloquent and poetic way of using old and forgotten swedish words is so beautiful and brilliant at the same time.

"Svältvinter" and "Under norrskenets fallande ljusspel" are giving me goosebumps like CRAZY right now. I love this man.

Yeah! But then again, I wouldn't like Vintersorg (nor any of his bands) to become incredibly popular, it just wouldn't be the same. He never tours, so I don't think Vintersorg will become popular. In a way it's better, it makes me feel special :p (hahahaha). But really, I think Mr V is happy that he has such a loyal and loving fan-base :grin: .
A lot more replies pretty quickly than I expected. Well I like both progressive style, and folk influenced stuff, but looks like Cosmic Genesis is getting recommended the most. I do download somethings off the Itunes once in a while, but I'd definitely rather have a physical CD copy. Thanks.
i agree with the cosmic genesis choice. good balance between the two eras.

Look at that! He enjoys seeing as suffer! He loves that we can't listen to other music except his! ;) Not really but you get my point :p .


ps. i don't remember andreas laughting so much from a long long time :lol:
My personal favorite is Visions from the Spiral Generator, but my favorite song, Microscopical Macrocosm, is on The Focusing Blur.

Oh, I like! Your favorite album is also my favorite, cool, hehe :Spin:
And A Microscopical Macrocosm is one of my favorite too but my number 1 is The Enigmatic Spirit : )