Which band makes you with their music to feel horny?

Originally posted by Hearse
ohh.. I forget about Samba! how can I forget about that! :err:

hmm well yes! :grin:

I would say cuban dances and music too!
Thankfully I avoid it! Otherwise I would definately get laid with the first sexy guy I would have found in my way! ;) :grin: :lol:
Originally posted by Hearse

I would probably get just kicked onto my nuts, for jumping on women... so I just have to satisfie to cream in my pants every time I hear samba. :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:

well! You'll have to find a chick that fancies samba this way I guess! ;) Then both of you will be compleeeeeteely satisfied! :grin: ;)
Originally posted by Hearse

Point me the way, where those kind of chick can be found, and I'll start running! :goggly:

Do I have to move in Brazil.... huoh...:cool:

Ahem! Personaly I havent heard the best words about finn girls! Dunno but that's an other matter!

It seem indeed that you'll need to find a latinoAmerican girl to yourself folowing the exemple of our fellow Ivinho! ;) :p
absolutely tarkaaaan.

When i hear his voice , i imagine that 20 turkish consturct builder fuck him hard hard core and his hopeless screams. Oh sorry this makes me bloody not horny !!!:grin:
Originally posted by 7th Çiço
absolutely tarkaaaan.

When i hear his voice , i imagine that 20 turkish consturct builder fuck him hard hard core and his hopeless screams. Oh sorry this makes me bloody not horny !!!:grin:

Oh my gosh! :eek:
I think you are a sick perv! :grin:
Originally posted by Hearse

Yeah I have to, try, do that.... :lol:

Hmm internet can help you!
But keep in mind that such kind of relationships are hard and not always sucessfull... :s