Which band were you most impressed with?

DrBell said:
you don't think slayer's music has taken a new musical direction at all (for the worse)?

Divine Intervention was an obvious step down from Seasons, and Diabolus in Musica was awful (a friend of mine commented that they still had the "Diabolus" going for them but had forgotten about the "Musica"), but I must say that the more I listen to the latest one (God Hates Us All), the more i'm liking it and thinking it actually does manage to recapture that brutal Slayer vibe fairly well. I'm pretty excited about the new one now that they have Dave back...

Yah, the 80s Slayer albums are great, but when you really sit down and listen to them (as I'm sure you have) you notice that each one is different fromt he last but still stays true to what Slayer is. I think God Hates Us All is an incredible album.

There's a shortage of American thrash/speed metal bands lately and I'm glad that Slayer is still churnign out albums.

Another good example I forgot was Overkill.
Creeps said:
There's a shortage of American thrash/speed metal bands lately and I'm glad that Slayer is still churnign out albums.
There sure is. I wouldn't say that Slayer are keeping the flame alive though.

Overkill is pretty good; I saw them last week, great show.

Agent Steel are going strong as well. Their new album is pretty good, but it's a little less speed metal and a little more thrash metal than the previous ones I think.