Which band were you most impressed with?

I wasn't there to witness this display, but Scent Of Human Desire marks one of the worst transformations I have ever seen, and image has little to do with that opinion...exactly what possessed them to go from writing a time-spanning concept album of excellent power/prog to retro-glam songs about peepshows? :)
Demonspell said:
I wasn't there to witness this display, but Scent Of Human Desire marks one of the worst transformations I have ever seen, and image has little to do with that opinion...exactly what possessed them to go from writing a time-spanning concept album of excellent power/prog to retro-glam songs about peepshows? :)

Worst. Album. Ever.
read the interview with them in the PP program.. it explains a lot and you can't knock em for doing something they wanted to do. I think the album is great. Hard rock infuence? I'm all for it, I grew up on hard rock, as I'm sure most of us here did.. we all weren't hatched listening to In Flames and Evergrey.

You can't really label any of these types of bands as "selling out" in my opinon. Their new album isnit exactly making heavy rotation on my AOR station nor do I see any Secret Sphere videos on Fuse or that lame excuse for a video station.. what's it called? ohyah, MTV.

hehe when they start doing Limp Bizkit (I'll probably get stoned for even typing that band name in this forum) then I'll consider them a sell out, for now I'll consider them a pretty damn cool band that doesn't sound like the other 200 metal italian bands that are out there right now.
Creeps said:
read the interview with them in the PP program.. it explains a lot and you can't knock em for doing something they wanted to do. I think the album is great. Hard rock infuence? I'm all for it, I grew up on hard rock, as I'm sure most of us here did.. we all weren't hatched listening to In Flames and Evergrey.

they have all the right in the world to do what they want, but they have to live with the fact that much fewer people will want to listen if they aren't doing what they're good at. Hard rock is one thing, and I love hard rock as much as the next person (probably more so) but the prevailing feeling of Scent of Human Desire seems to be bad pop music. not that it IS pop music, it just carries the vibe of it.

read the interview with them in the PP program.. it explains a lot and you can't knock em for doing something they wanted to do. I think the album is great. Hard rock infuence? I'm all for it, I grew up on hard rock, as I'm sure most of us here did.. we all weren't hatched listening to In Flames and Evergrey.
I read that too and I don't necessarily disagree with you. I like good rock too, that's mostly what I listened to growing up. The thing is, Scent of Human Desire may be a hard-rock album but it's not a good hard rock album. Even judged as a hard rock album it sucks (IMHO).
You can't really label any of these types of bands as "selling out" in my opinon. Their new album isnit exactly making heavy rotation on my AOR station nor do I see any Secret Sphere videos on Fuse or that lame excuse for a video station.. what's it called? ohyah, MTV.
The real question is are they getting more mainstream exposure over there. Of course they're not getting any here, how many european rock or metal bands do. And I agree with the other poster on the pop influences. To me the fact that they had pop singers making guest appearances on the album just furthers the "sellout" argument IMHO.
Personally I liked this different change...I mean after a while..you can only do the same metal things a million times over and it all sounds the same after a while. Even the bigger bands out there are beginning to sound the same on each album and its beginning to bore the hell out of me. Its like buying one of their albums 3 times over. I believe this album was more about experimentation more than anything else. And maybe experimentation isnt likable in the majority of the public (I mean...RadioHead did start losing fans when they started changing their style), but it keeps you guessing on what is going to be done next. You really cant knock them for doing what they want to do. Because in reality...music is a personal expression.......and people cant force other people to express what they desire to do. In a whole, I really honestly didnt think their album was terrible at all. Ya sure....a few errors in the prounounciation parts. >.< I think everyone probably picked that up really easily. More like several actually, but not basing it as any type of music and any set standards....I thought it was fun to listen to.

I really honestly like to know the your definition of poor music. please explain to me in a musicians terms why it was so poor. Now I dont remember much of nadia's singing...so Im not really going to go into that or argue with that either. But I like to understand better reasons than "It was like a pop album" "Why didnt they stay in A Time Never Come Mode" and "he dressed funny and ran barefooted". I know some of you have to be musicians out there...so please explain to me this.

Probably the next one will be more back to the old SS stuff, or so I heard. But I liked the dramatic change in this...it segregated them from the other Power hard core metal bands out there that is all about power on the guitars and double basing drums. And personally I didnt think they did that poor of a job on that album either. I personally enjoyed the difference...but in a way...I like all music in general and I appreciate the individuality of each band's personal style. I could care less how metal or how rock it is....it still was an interesting change and development.
Can't remember if I posted or not but here is my ranking (keep in mind this does not mean that I like them more then the next just my opinion of which bands kicked ass live):

1. Circle II Circle
2. Nightwish
3. Rage
4. Symphony X
5. Mercenary
6. Evergrey
7.Vanden Plas
8, Pagan's Mind
9. Redemption
10. Secret Sphere
David N. said:
I thought Secret Sphere put on a decent performance, but I've got to be honest with you, that singer running around barefoot in those tight-ass "zebra" pants left me a bit confused...
Hilarious! I thought they kicked major ass but oh my gosh, what the heck was up with the lead singer's gear? LOL
Evergrey said:
Hilarious! I thought they kicked major ass but oh my gosh, what the heck was up with the lead singer's gear? LOL

Two words.

I can't say I enjoyed their set... The female singer was really off-key, but I give them major props for effort, and for coming out strong, and for (Roberto?)'s efforts at raising the crowd, while his "How many are you" was comical for us native English Speakers, he really did his best to get everyone into their performance.

- R
DRFS Rich said:
Two words.

I can't say I enjoyed their set... The female singer was really off-key, but I give them major props for effort, and for coming out strong, and for (Roberto?)'s efforts at raising the crowd, while his "How many are you" was comical for us native English Speakers, he really did his best to get everyone into their performance.

- R

Yeah, I guess we should give the guy an "A" for effort even though his sense of fashion is a bit questionable...
Evergrey was the revelation for me. I had "The Dark Discovery" and "In Search of Truth," and I liked those albums, but their live show floored me. I bought "Recreation Day" and "Solitude Dominance Tragedy" over the weekend; I just wish that I had gotten there in time for a t-shirt! Great band, I can't wait to see them again.

I actually went for Nightwish, and they didn't disappoint. While I wound up liking Evergrey more (just by a short margin), I thought that Nightwish put on an excellent set. Their stage presence was better than I thought it was going to be.

The third best set I saw was Circle II Circle. Admittedly, I liked them because of their trip down Sava memory lane (still haven't heard C2C's album), but Zak is one of the best frontmen I have ever seen. I just wish that I had not missed the first 20 minutes of their set.

I was really impressed with Symphony X, too. I wasn't familiar with their music at all, but they had a great stage presence. I liked Russell Allen in particular.
On Secret Sphere
Yeah, I guess we should give the guy an "A" for effort even though his sense of fashion is a bit questionable...
Hey, he's Italian, give him a break. They dress different.
I can't say I enjoyed their set... The female singer was really off-key, but I give them major props for effort, and for coming out strong, and for (Roberto?)'s efforts at raising the crowd, while his "How many are you" was comical for us native English Speakers, he really did his best to get everyone into their performance.
I think the problem with the female singer may have more to do with her mike than voice. I listened to their sound check and they were having a terrible time with it. The lead vocalist is Ramon. I spent a good deal of time with them over the weekend (they were even on our plane home to Newark) and they were very nice and thrilled to be here. I may, therefore, be a little biased but I enjoyed their set greatly.

I think you should listen to their cd's, "A Time Never Come" and "Scent of Human Desire". Perhaps if you're not distracted by their unique look and the problems of playing live you may hear how really talented they are. They have some kick ass guitar work on these two cd's and Ramon has incredible range.
AMBR said:
They have some kick ass guitar work on these two cd's and Ramon has incredible range.
Right on man! :) But my favorite part of these albums have always been the keyboards...and the drumming on this new album is really kick ass. I especially liked how they got more organ in this newer album than before too.
1. Evergrey
2. Vanden Plas
3. Rage
4. C II C
5. Symphony X
6. Pagan's Mind
7. Mercenary
8. Nightwish
9. Secret Sphere

Missed Redemption so I'm leaving them off.

Had high expectations with the first three and was not disappointed, Rage ended up third based on the over-extended solos.

4-6 were great but wasn't expecting a lot from any of them and got great sets from them anyway.

7-9 Could have taken or left them either way. Not a huge Nightwish fan and have 'Wishmaster' but just have not been able to get into them. From what I've read of their fan's posts though, they were pleased with their set so,....to each their own, I guess.

Saw Prymary and Stride and thought they did a great job at the pre-show, btw.

Da Pup
yah, the backup singer was well... hot.. but other than that maybe they shoulda had her working the merchandise (all in fun here)

There's certain bands that I believe should never stray too far from their chosen musical path..

example; Manowar & Slayer

when I buy albums from these guys I EXPECT a Manowar or Slayer product.. it just wouldn't be the same if it was different or in a "new direction" or "something we've always wanted to be but just realized it" kinda thing.
Evergrey were much more live than I expected. Lots of energy and reminded me of Metallica when they were great. You could tell the drummer was in heaven getting to play with this band. This was no mercy gig for him. He really filled the bill for them and it showed in his excellent playing. Pagan's Mind was awesome as well as Vanden Plas. Symphony X is my favorite band of all time but due to their terrible soundman , I was disappointed that I could not hear what the band was doing-what a shame!
X man said:
You could tell the drummer was in heaven getting to play with this band.

Really cool guy, too. Me and Paul C. talked to him for a while after their performance. And you are right - you could tell he was having the time of his life playing drums for Evergrey.
Creeps said:
There's certain bands that I believe should never stray too far from their chosen musical path..

example; Manowar & Slayer

when I buy albums from these guys I EXPECT a Manowar or Slayer product.. it just wouldn't be the same if it was different or in a "new direction" or "something we've always wanted to be but just realized it" kinda thing.
you don't think slayer's music has taken a new musical direction at all (for the worse)?