which bands...

Allan said:
Not much for covers, but I bet it would be fun to hear your version of "Make it right".


nooo :D

I would like to hear Antimatter playing One Last Goodbye or Temporary Peace !!

about other band?? well can be Katatonia playing Sleepless
or The Gathering playing Regret :tickled:
yeah. they pleyed temporary peace once ;)
i really think it should be available on the dutch fansite :)p gorik)

id like as well to hear the gathering doing temporary peace.
ah. i dont mind covers. and i like it when theyre well done and that.

but what annoys me is the lot rnb artists taking someones music and then using it to put it on single. i mean, you should respect the artists work, and when youre using it for your own profits, then youre not respecting him imo.