Which Came First? + Ticket Sales?

To whom did you listen first?

  • In Flames

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • Dark Tranquillity (also pick this if you don't listen to IF at all)

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • Simultaneously (if that's even possible...)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Everyone's Bitch
Feb 8, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA USA
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So this is kind of two posts in one:
1) To whom did you start listening first, In Flames or Dark Tranquillity? I first heard about In Flames, and picked up DT from their connections...it seems that In Flames is more well known. At this point, though, I probably prefer DT.

2) I definitely want to go to the show in Cleveland (I live in Pittsburgh), but I'm not sure how many are going with me. What do you guys think the chance of them selling out is? I don't want to end up waiting too long to buy the tix, that would be very, very depressing.
Dark Tranquillity came first to me. "Punish My Heaven" hooked me right in. I got introduced from listening to the MP3s of "The Gallery" in college (people were trading MP3s left and right.) No one in my dorm was into Swedish Death Metal. That was almost 3 years ago. Then I listened to In Flames a year afterward, also through MP3s.
2. Why don't you order tickets online at Ticketmaster

Yes, it's a pain-in-the-ass for me to order online, of the 3 shows I've been to this year, only 1 came through. I had to do will-call for the Arch Enemy and In Flames show. I'm still waiting for tickets for the September 17 show.
heard dark tranquillity's early demo in 1992. in flames (of course) came later, when i saw mikael would be singing on lunar strain, so i picked that up the moment it was out.
nowadays i think in flames are just one of many power-death acts, so i listen to them quite absent-mindedly.

same as rahvin, except i lost traces of in flames after whoracle since i didn't like it.

In flames "Sub..." was my first one, after that "TJR" and after that "the gallery... then I bought all DT releases... I listen to DT every week, but I only play some songs with In Flames, most from their early days. I have listened alot to RTR lately, but thats because it is a new one :D

-phyros ( :eek: , longest post on this board in months :) felt good ;) )
IF's TJR, was the first I heard back in 97'. I bought Whoracle and TJR afew weeks later. The first IF show I went to was back in 99' that was a fucking awesome show.

Nick(\m/In Flames\m/)
Dark Tranquillity came first for me. I heard "Haven" (the song) and was hooked. I bought the album Haven and later on also Projector, not to mention Damage Done as soon as it was available. :)
Still haven't heard more than a few MP3's from In Flames, but from what I hear, I don't think I'd like them much.

I found out about Dark Tranqulilty from this board, and from a recommendation from of the members here...

Good stuff.
DT first for me, back in 1995 I think - I had heard Skydancer a few times through and then The Gallery came and changed my world. :p
