Which Drum Sample VSTi to buy?


Jul 3, 2014
Hey guys, I'm considering buying a drum sample VSTi that will end up on the instrumental metal record i'm working on right now. I've been doing some research on it but you guys' opinion can be really helpful.
Before anyone bringing that up, I don't have the budget to get a drummer and record real drums, so thank in advance for anyone who'd suggest that.

Some specific needs I'm looking for are:
1. Mainly for rock/metal drumming (hopefully versatile enough, not 100% metal drums)
2. Sophisticated and convincing sounding velocity layers that can pull off dynamic playing (especially the snare)
3. Good sounding snare, toms, and drum room especially
4. Better to have flexible routing or tweaking ability, at least workable
5. Either raw or processed is ok, as long as it's workable
6. Budget around $150, no more than 200

Right now I'm looking at SSD EX (possibly with CLA expansion), Room Sound, LSD Drums. I'm not sure if I've missed anything out there that suits my needs. So if you know one and recommend it, please let me know.
Thanks in advance guys :)
Made of Metal and ezdrummer2 might be had for around that? That'd be your best bet IMO. Slate's cymbals/realism aren't anywhere near what Toontrack's are, and TT's UI/UX can't be beat in that dept.
Made of Metal and ezdrummer2 might be had for around that? That'd be your best bet IMO. Slate's cymbals/realism aren't anywhere near what Toontrack's are, and TT's UI/UX can't be beat in that dept.

Thanks man. Actually I've considered that combo already (and know how good it sounds), but it's a still a bit over my budget so that's why it's not on my list.
I agree with Jeff, The Toontrack range of drum products are much more realistic than the Slate products. I would buy the TT software if I had your budget but then later on buy a Slate product to use for one shots or to reinforce your drums. The TT drum VSTi's tend to be less processed than the Slate ones but both products have their place in the market and in your sonic arsenal.

If budget is an issue, then wait for the deals that come up at Audio Deluxe but Made of Metal and EZX2 may not be discounted too heavily yet because they are relatively new products.
Honestly, if I was you, I'd download the full demo of EZ drummer 2 and see if you can just use the stock library for a bit. They always put that thing on sale. From what I remember the stock kits sounded pretty damn useable.

Then when you have an extra $80 get the Made of Metal. Colin's room sounds are second to none. Boom done.
The general consensus around here is Superior Drummer with Metal Machine or Metal Foundry expansions( mainly for overheads/room) and kick/snare sample replacement.
Haha I was actually expecting something other than TT products lol. Guess you just cant go wrong with them huh?
Thanks for input guys. Please keep it coming while I'm downloading demo for EZdrummer 2. :)
Haha I was actually expecting something other than TT products lol. Guess you just cant go wrong with them huh?
Thanks for input guys. Please keep it coming while I'm downloading demo for EZdrummer 2. :)

There's a reason everybody uses Toontrack. Nothing is nearly as good, customizable, or intuitive. I definitely know how it is wanting cheaper options, but you get what you pay for, and with programmed drums you don't want something that sounds even less human than they already inherently are. Try searching around for a copy of Metal Machine instead of Made of Metal, since it's older and will likely be cheaper. I got mine on sale for $80 last year.
Another +1 for ToonTrack. Although I'm leaning towards recommending Superior Drummer over EZDrummer 2, if anything for the possibility of expanding into its own library of kits. But aside from that, and based on your needs - I say peruse their sounds and see what hits close to home, then nab it! There's always time ahead to consider expanding.

A bit of a bummer, and I don't know when their next sale will ever be - I know they put SD2 and the NY Studios Vol 2 & 3 bundle on sale for close to the price of just the SD2 pack alone, not too long ago. Keep an eye for the sales!

Made of Metal is likely to not be marked down, I can't speak of EZDrummer 2 either for its prices (don't know if it's too soon, much like Made of Metal, for any real markdowns and such) But together it comes just over your budget.

EDIT: For some reason I was thinking Metal Machinery prices when Made of Metal was mentioned >_<
SSD4 EX is 49USD when on sale and offers more than a TT pack on its own. SSD5 engine is around the corner, apparently with improved realism and as a free update.
I would try to get a product from both TT and Slate.
For the other packages you also need an engine to play them.
MT Power Drums is free, if you're on a budget get that and trigger and you'll basically have SSD for cheap but with different cymbals, plus you'll be able to use other multisamples really easily and if you ever work with real drums you've got a great sampler plugin for that. Other cheap drum vsts like the basic version of ssd4 ex or one of the cheaper ezdrummer options work just as well for this.

MT is weird with midi routing in reaper but you just have to set it to pre-fx rather than post and it all works fine. I don't know how ezdrummer 2 or SD sounds but I actually prefer the basic cymabls in ssd4 ex to the ones in metal machine.
i hate TT but there's not much of an alternative when it comes to simplicity and good sounds.
i find EZ drummer 2 to be a bit limited when it comes to routing (all toms on one channel...MEH!), however the EZX's work grerat in S2
if you can get the cash together i's definitively go with superior 2 and then maybe the made of metal and metal machine expansions.
i hate TT but there's not much of an alternative when it comes to simplicity and good sounds.
i find EZ drummer 2 to be a bit limited when it comes to routing (all toms on one channel...MEH!), however the EZX's work grerat in S2
if you can get the cash together i's definitively go with superior 2 and then maybe the made of metal and metal machine expansions.

You can do separate tom outputs in ezdrummer 1 so I'm sure you can in 2.
MT Power Drums is free, if you're on a budget get that and trigger and you'll basically have SSD for cheap but with different cymbals, plus you'll be able to use other multisamples really easily and if you ever work with real drums you've got a great sampler plugin for that. Other cheap drum vsts like the basic version of ssd4 ex or one of the cheaper ezdrummer options work just as well for this.

MT is weird with midi routing in reaper but you just have to set it to pre-fx rather than post and it all works fine. I don't know how ezdrummer 2 or SD sounds but I actually prefer the basic cymabls in ssd4 ex to the ones in metal machine.

Yes MT drums sound really good for being free, actually I've already use it to replace or reinforce kick and snare on a few of my recent mixtests, really usable.
But overall they still don't sound the way I want my drums to. Thanks anyway.
Yes MT drums sound really good for being free, actually I've already use it to replace or reinforce kick and snare on a few of my recent mixtests, really usable.
But overall they still don't sound the way I want my drums to. Thanks anyway.

What I'm saying though is get Slate Trigger and resample the shells from MT and you've basically got SSD plus the ability to use custom multisamples and the ability to sample acoustic drums.
You can do separate tom outputs in ezdrummer 1 so I'm sure you can in 2.

I think it depends on the libraries, I noticed the Made of Metal libraries are very different. I have spotted a few kits where toms are indeed routed to the same output in the mixer at least in EZ, not sure about S2.0. I don't mind it so much, they sound good enough to require little tweaking normally !
I think it depends on the libraries, I noticed the Made of Metal libraries are very different. I have spotted a few kits where toms are indeed routed to the same output in the mixer at least in EZ, not sure about S2.0. I don't mind it so much, they sound good enough to require little tweaking normally !

With 5 separate toms you have to make some compromises, at least in metal machine but you can always group the toms if you want.

Edit: Apparently dropbox images aren't embeddable anymore, I made a screenshot.