Which Microphone Preamp? Help me choose.

I think it's out of just about everyone's price range on this forum aside from Ken Sorceron, Dave Otero, Andy, James, Eddy, Jens, Crillemannen, and a few others.

I can't imagine spending $8000.00 on anything in one sitting.
Yeah, the crane song spider would be quite awesome to own... 8 pres that can be really clean or set to have color, 8 channels of top notch converters, mixer, really nice tape saturator function, etc. mmm.... definitely out of my pricerange right now though. :[ haha

I've been discussing this before, but if you see to the whole package its quite cheap for what you get :)

I always have the FAT switch on, on the preamps
I have the Audient - so damn clean but not sterile...impedence switching rules, HPF on every channel is fucking rad too. I'm looking for something with a little character to compliment it...

Have you not considered a Great River MP-2NV? You can go from really clean or you can crank the input and get nice colouration (based on Neve design if I remember correctly). I'm borrowing one from a mate and I really like it.