Which pickups does M. Romeo use?

The Pope of Heavy Metal

The son of Robert Plant
Nov 12, 2005
The Netherlands, near Eindhoven
The reason why I ask this is because I play prog. metal and fusion. I've got 2 ESP M-II deluxe (the same as Romeo) one with original ESP pups and the other with EMG 81's, they just don't sound as they should...
And I big fan of romeo's and his sound so. Maybe you guys know more?
he used to use EMG 81's in both positions but around TiO he switched to Dimarzio X2n in the bridge and Dimarzio Tone Zone in the neck.

I use dual EMG81s and, yes they aren't very versitile, they are very loud and they are not very dynamic, but if all you're doing is playing loud heavy metal, they are perfect.
Yngvai said it already. DiMarzio X2n & Tone Zone. (This has to be my first time ever actually USING the "&" symbol.)
Yngvai X said:
he used to use EMG 81's in both positions but around TiO he switched to Dimarzio X2n in the bridge and Dimarzio Tone Zone in the neck.

I use dual EMG81s and, yes they aren't very versitile, they are very loud and they are not very dynamic, but if all you're doing is playing loud heavy metal, they are perfect.

I think his tone was a bit thicker when he was still using EMGs, atleast TiO and V has kinda too dry and thin rhythm tone.
Yngvai X said:
he used to use EMG 81's in both positions but around TiO he switched to Dimarzio X2n in the bridge and Dimarzio Tone Zone in the neck.

I use dual EMG81s and, yes they aren't very versitile, they are very loud and they are not very dynamic, but if all you're doing is playing loud heavy metal, they are perfect.

Actually I think X2N is way louder then an EMG 81. But i see the point about emgs
EMG's aren't too bad. I have an 81 in my Charvel, and it works for me. I don't only play loud as hell Heavy Metal either. I play softer stuff also. I've been trying to write songs like The Accolade, or Lady of the Snow. Softer songs, which don't require screaming kick your nuts heavy metal.
Thanks a lot guys. But I think I've found the problem to my sound. Not the the pickups but the cab speakers, so I'm gonna change them with some celestion G12t-75s.
by the way does Romeo use a X2N in the bridge and a tone zone in the neck? (the Tone is quite a muddy pickup for the neckposition...)
Romeo's sound(s) on Divine Wings and The Odyssey are my favourite. (V the leadsounds are cool too).
I don't know, but just since we're on the subject of DiMarzio pickups, I have a question about my 7 string.
-Why does my bridge pickup sound like a neck pickup and when my pickup switch is in the middle, it sounds like a bridge pickup. Why?
But why would a bridge pickup, which is usually supposed to have more treble and Bite, sound like a neck pickup? I bought it used, so for all I know, it really could be a neck pickup in the bridge position.
what i meant is that, when you put the selector in the bridge position it may actually be selecting the neck pickup or viceversa, it seems like a wiring problem to me, maybe you should go have it checked.
But its not updated though to his using Caparisons now. And neither is the official site.
oooopppsss...hehe, i didnt mean it in a bad way though, its just that it's been the same for years now, i guess i needs a change...