Which top poster # are you?

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Click 'Members List' and sort by posts.if you dont have that many, count how many members are on each page, and multiply it by howmany pages back you are, and figure out what number you are

I had 10,000 posts on the Megadeth boards in under a year. I was quite the post-whore over last summer.

So all the rednecks and people who like discussing something "serious" all hate my guts. :lol:
Will Bozarth said:
ahhh serious topics like:

"Dave, can I call you?"
"Whats your favorite Dave picture?"
"I love the emotion in Dave's eyes."

Those are the she-wolves. A clan of girls who just like to oogle over Dave. I mean, some of them are nice but goddamn the thing can be o_O :yuk:

It's quite the Gestapo mod squad over there too. Any critisism of Dave and you're banned. Dave once apologized for the whole mess with kicking the bands off his tour for them being "Satanic" and someone started a topic refusing Dave's apology and asked for a good explanation before he accepted. He was Perma-banned.

I'll always love Megadeth for getting me into metal but he's really showing himself to be a tool. Quite a shame.
true. itll be Lars hitting dumpsters (he upgrades from trash cans), while he and Mustaine scream about suing people... then him and James go "I HAVE A NEWFOUND LORD!! DOWN WITH DRUGS! IM THE BEST FUCKER IN THE BAND!"
hahahaha, if they make an album like that they won't have to crash the bus, there will be hits put out on them right as the album hits the shelves.
Yeah but the listeners killed themselves before they had the chance to put the hits out. :p
Mustaine is a irty dirty cock hat. He's more fucking shit than Lars even, and possibly the most shit person in metal.

anyway, lemme check my number.


59. Fuck, i used to be in the top 10 :S i guess i should have posted more in the last 2 or 3 years.