Which Watershed song would you like to be played on tour

I'd say throw in "Coil" as the setlist's ballad. Short and sweet, and more time for br00tality.

(I wouldn't mind "Burden" either, or "Hessian Peel"..or "The Lotus Eater"...the other songs I feel are more studio songs than live songs. If you knoweth what I meaneth by thateth)
Ehhhh just play all of it.

That would be interesting, seeing as some have described their reactions to (the end of) this album as being just cut off and left there. Imagine how that would feel LIVE!:zombie::hypno:

I wouldn't mind the whole album live but if not, Burden has to be played. Fucking ace. Would be the new highlight song.
If I was to chose only 1 song it would have to be "Coil". It's so damned nice to sing along to :D

Otherwise I'd have to say Hex Omega, Hessian Peel or Derelict Herds.

- Gramm.
To be honest I was worried that a new album would decrease chances of hearing When, Advent etc live. But Watershed live will rock out
Hessian Peel and Porcelain heart :) i would love to hear them all ... i wish they'd do a concert like a 3-5 night ordeal and in that time frame of the nights sing every song they have ever done : )