While Heaven Wept...

WHW was my favorite set of the weekend! There's so much emotion that comes out in their music it's ridiculous! I met the band during their signing session and they were really nice, geniune people. I ribbed Tom a bit about not bringing any shirts to sell at the festival though!

Well, except for not bringing any merch with them :) But that's a minor detail compared to the show.

This seems to have been a common theme this year. Either bands didn't bring merch or they brought very little with them. I know it's happened before, but this year it seemed to happen A LOT more.
I'm just glad they didn't play Thus With a Kiss I Die. I know they play that a lot in their other sets. I probably would've fell asleep. I really liked their performance. I can't complain at all.
I know I'm biased, as I'm a co-sponsor, but While Heaven Wept was every bit amazing as I hoped they would be. I only wish they had another half hour to add some more tunes to their set. Rain was full of power and emotion, Tom and Scott were spot-on with their harmonies and chugging rhythms, Jim's playing was impressively smooth, Trevor was precision personified, and Michelle and Jason provided a beautiful backdrop and stunning backing vocals. I understand the few complaints about the number of people on stage without a whole lot going on, but there are some rather subtle key parts that required two keyboardists. Besides, all of the material was written with only one keyboardist in the group (in some cases, no full-time keyboardist), and Tom's future plans are said to really bring out the sound of a seven-piece band. That said, I loved the set, and I hope they made some new fans playing at the fest.

Stay metal. Never rust.
They definitely made a new fan out of me! I thought the set was a great combination of jamming riffs and intricate musicianship - far exceeding my expectations. And they were so friendly afterwards! It was an honor to co-sponsor them and I as well hope to get to see them again in the not too distant future.

Glenn - Thanks so much for bringing them to ProgPower and for getting me hooked on yet another band!
While I really like super technical prog (which WHW is not), I have always enjoyed their music. Some of their sound reminds me of Black Sabbath's Master of Reality, but there are some big differences. I particularly like how they use chant/choir-like vocals riding on top of pure heaviness. Their performance almost choked me up. I thought they were brilliant. A BIG thanks to WHW’s sponsors and Glenn.
Their performance almost choked me up. I thought they were brilliant.

I'm right there with you. We got exactly what we expected and then some! The sound and performance were epic, just as Tom hoped to project, I'm sure. Anyone expecting something different just needed to wait until the next band came on. Loved it all so THANK YOU WHW!

So happy people enjoyed their set. Was kind of worried that style wouldn't go over very well. But from seeing the pic from djjello, my fears were quite unfounded.

Can't wait to see the band perform again live, hopefully soon!
If Therion hadn't put on such a spectacle, WHW would have been my vote for best set of the fest. That said, I was astounded by them. Amazing. And they played my favorite song: Voice in the Wind. I had chills and goosebumps throughout their entire performance.
I really enjoyed their set. They're the kind of band that deserves to play in a venue like Center Stage instead of a small hall or a bar -- I think they really shined.
I got some kudos after I played them on WREKage the week before the fest, too, which was cool since they're not typical fare for that show either. :rock:
. And they played my favorite song: Voice in the Wind. I had chills and goosebumps throughout their entire performance.
Yeah, my buddy was hoping for that one and we both thought it was a long shot, and we were wrong.

The female backing vocals on that made it even more incredible...

Surprised at the inclusion of only one "Fear of Infinity" song, but still thought the set was completely awesome-- 4 from "Of Empires Forlorn"....:kickass: