Who are the kings of Black Metal?

Who are the Black Metal kings?

  • Immortal

    Votes: 12 12.5%
  • Emporer

    Votes: 55 57.3%
  • Mayhem

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • Burzum

    Votes: 18 18.8%
  • Darkthrone

    Votes: 7 7.3%

  • Total voters
Emperor Wins, followed very closely by Burzum, I must state that Varg was an idiot and contradicted himself way too many times, i don't care about the man though, just his music...
You will laught at me but my vote goes to Samael. Passage and Eternal are completely great. The lyrics are pretty good and Xy is very creative. And Vorph vocals are kind of unique. You know, today are many bands in the scene, but you can't differ who is who. It's all so iqual. At least I know when is Samael playing.
Julian Zembrowski said:
Huge fan of DSO, Never heard Lunar Aurora though. I'll check em out!

Please do ! Their last 4 are great (Zyklus being my favorite) and very different . One of the most underrated band I've ever heard .
emperor is my fav. out of all of those, but they haven't been consistant with their "black metal" as much as darkthrone so my vote goes to darkthrone.
Emperor, hands down, although their name is mispelled on the poll. Darkthrone is great but still sounds like trash 15 years later (one could contest tis the "true black metal way"). Burzum is almost black metal for Euronymous' death, rather than Varg's later atmospheric releases. Mayhem is and always will be a major part of Black Metal, but people mainly focus on what they have done in the past, rather than what they are doing now (even though all the current members are well established musicians outside of the band). Immortal, while always dead on with their music, their image is hysterical and you can't laugh at something " so evil." So that leaves us with Emperor, who seemingly redefined the genre with every one of their major releases. In The Nightside Eclipse, Anthems and IX Equilibrium are all amazing works, even if they do tend to swing away from BM near the end. What other black metal act could disband and return as headliners of Wacken?
Ecto said:
You will laught at me but my vote goes to Samael. Passage and Eternal are completely great. The lyrics are pretty good and Xy is very creative. And Vorph vocals are kind of unique. You know, today are many bands in the scene, but you can't differ who is who. It's all so iqual. At least I know when is Samael playing.

I'm not laughing. Samael are very, very good. I just think it's hard to proclaim anyone but members of the original black circle as the kings of BM.
Dev said:
Please do ! Their last 4 are great (Zyklus being my favorite) and very different . One of the most underrated band I've ever heard .
Hmmm just got some of they're stuff, really amazing! Thanks for unintentionally directing me towards them. It's inspiring to hear some new black metal that's done well with atmosphere.
Reveries said:
you forgot Ulver, They are way better than any of those guys.

How are they kings of black metal? Not even fucking close. All those bands he listed had better albums, besides Mayhem and Samael (I don't like them much). I mean, I love black metal and all, but Ulver doesn't even play black metal anymore, and they started later than those bands did. They weren't originators or anything. Good music, but no way they are close to the real kings of black metal.