Who Are You?


satan said i get a cookie
i thought this would be a good way for every metalhead here in UM to get to know one another, as a new member myself i noticed that there are alot of "posters" here....just post a few things about yourself and maybe you'll find out a few things about eachother....ill start

favorite band:metallica (80's metallica)
something unusual about me:my favorite band is metallica(people tell me they suck all the time)
favorite sport: football
favorite team: Denver Broncos

not sure if this has been done before, if it has tell me...
favorite band:GWAR,Metallica,Amon Amarth,Napalm Death
something unusual about me:a lot of people at my school say Im the anti-christ
favorite sport:wrestling (not the fake pro wrestling)
favorite team: screw teams
Name: Damien
Last name: none of you fucking business
Favorite band: Kalmah
Something unusual: im constantly moving my hands like a crack fiend
Favorite sport: snipe hunting
Favorite team: they all suck
name: Jeremy
favorite band: Iron Maiden
something unusual about me: I believe in the immediate future the living undead will rise and take over the Earth
favorite sport: golf
favorite team: don't have one

Vital Remains wrote:

Favorite sport: snipe hunting

Awesome :headbang:
Name: Evelyn
Favorite band: after long thinking: Lacuna Coil
But I enjoy Goth-metal, black-metal, prog-metal, ...
Something unusual about me: People get scared when I tell them I'm Goth, but that's not really something about me, is it?
Favorite sport: I HATE sport, but passivly, I'd go for tennis
Favorite team: ???
Name: John

Something Unusual About Me: I often eat peanut butter, egg and spinach sandwiches. :D

Favourite Metal Band: I like about 10 that I play depending on mood, but I'll say Megadeth / Opeth.

Favourite Sports / Teams: I sort of grew out of sports.

Favourite Food: I greatly love BLT's and Club Sandwiches..

Favourite Games: Counter-Strike Source (Militia/Dust2) and Guild Wars.

Favourite Actor: Johnny Depp (Secret Window, Sleepy Hollow) / Al Pacino (Scarface, Devils Advocate, Insomnia etc)
Name: Ramona

Favourite Metal Band: Crodle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, Slipknot

Favourite Sports: I just hate sport

Favourite Team: They all suck....

Something Unusual about me: I love blood...Movies with lots of blood and everytime I see one of these fucking HipHop-Guys I just want to kill him.

Favourite Food: CHOCOLATE!!!! hehe...

Favourite Games: Warcraft: Frozen throne, Yeti-Sports-Deluxe (lol) and Battlefield 1942 and it's add-ons: Road to Rome, Secret Weapons of second World War, Vietnam

Fovourite Actor: Dani Filth(Cradle Of Fear), Johnny Depp (Fromn Hell)
favorite band:Iron Maiden & Saxon
something unusual about me:my ironic life when "sometimes" appears is :guh:
favorite sport: football and Volleyball
favorite team: Of Spain (Real Racing de Santander), of U.K (West Ham United)
yep i hate it but my cousin listens to it all the time win he drives me to school...
judas, does that sandwich taste good?
MTLHEAD_789 said:
yep i hate it but my cousin listens to it all the time win he drives me to school...
judas, does that sandwich taste good?

Disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for death associated with the ingestion of my secret breakfast sandwich.

But try it ..scramble the egg with the spinach, microwave it, load tons of peanut butter on the bread and eat and if you don't die, you'll probably live ... temporarily, because that's life. It's cruel I know :(