Who Are You?

Thanks. So why are you opposed to biblical names?

I think that Abrahamic religion has had a very negative effect on the world. I don't have a problem with most the teachings of Jesus Christ himself if the teachings professed nowadays are actually in line with the original, but Abrahamic religion has had mostly a negative impact on the world. It's started wars, destroyed other religions, it drives groups to ostracize poeple etc. It bothers me that I have a biblical name for that reason. There are some great Christians, but for the most part, ignorance is a prevailing force in Christianity, and I'd rather not be associated with that.

Also, I just don't like the phonetics of my name, I find it annoying, and some people actually manage to mispronounce David. Wtf?
Which wars has Abrahamic religion started?

Christians took over Europe and outlawed various practices which they deemed witchcraft (mainly medical, sanitary, and spiritual practices), defaced runes and graves (pictures exist of smashed up graves, with crosses carved into them, though I can't necessarily attest to their legitimacy), they essentially destroyed whatever they could to make their religion prevail, and in the process, they brought Europe back thousands of years.

Christians started their retarded pissing contests in Ireland. All of this goes back to the Schism in the Byzantine Empire, though. It's ironic how a so called "religion of peace" that teaches that "we were all sons of god" caused a bunch of shitstorms over the religion itself. Religion and culture should unite, not break people up.

That's just one third of the problem. Maybe this could be a thread of some sort?
I wonder if this already is a thread somewhere. Mods usually say it's better to start a fresh thread than to necro an old one anyway.

But you didn't really answer my question about which wars were started by Abrahamic religion. I suppose if a nation that is overwhelmingly Abrahamic starts a war, that is synonymous with Abrahamism starting it, but what I was more digging for was whether you see a difference between a war started for Abrahamic reasons and a war started by Abrahamic people but not necessarily for Abrahamic reasons.
I wonder if this already is a thread somewhere. Mods usually say it's better to start a fresh thread than to necro an old one anyway.

But you didn't really answer my question about which wars were started by Abrahamic religion. I suppose if a nation that is overwhelmingly Abrahamic starts a war, that is synonymous with Abrahamism starting it, but what I was more digging for was whether you see a difference between a war started for Abrahamic reasons and a war started by Abrahamic people but not necessarily for Abrahamic reasons.

I was talking more about wars started over or as a result of the Abrahamic religions themselves.
Am I?

Pretty sure I'm just asking for an example. You're paranoid.

Why are you asking me? Do you think I'm mouthing off about something I know nothing about? What do you think Holy Wars...The Punishment Due is about? Battles over religion, mainly Abrahamic religion.
Yeah I think I do, you seem out of your depth on this topic. Also I just love talking about war, Muhammad and Vlad III are two of my favourite historical figures.

Megadeth lyrics? Because that's definitely an accurate source. :lol:
Yeah I think I do, you seem out of your depth on this topic. Also I just love talking about war, Muhammad and Vlad III are two of my favourite historical figures.

Megadeth lyrics? Because that's definitely an accurate source. :lol:

Really, Abrahamism religion hasn't caused that many concrete wars, mainly just riots, terrorism, and it has definitely been connected with some actual wars.

Also, given how badass the ending of Fatal Illusion is, I wouldn't bash Dave Mustaine as a lyricist.
I'm definitely not bashing him as a lyricist, just as a credible source of history.

This is much more reasonable than your original position. I agree.

"Conflict" would be a more apt term than "wars". I tend to exaggerate for effect.

Well, Dave Mustaine certainly isn't a historian by any means, but he has just as much information as we all do about Ireland's protestant/catholic passing contests.
My name is Fabio
Fav bands include Mercyful Fate (dur!) King Diamong, Anvil, Judas, Accept, Sabbath, Sepultura, Viper, Ozzy and 80s hard rocks
From Brazil and now back again to home!
Something unusual about me: Peanut butter, how you can eat that !@#$ americans!?
Sports: Nascar, NFL (Seattle Sea Hawks) Crinson Tide, Soccer (Palmeiras)
Name: Edward
Bands I am into: Carnifex, Bleeding Through, Aversions Crown, Immolation
Sports I like: Cricket and Tennis
Unusual thing about me: Of Nordic and Asian descent
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Name: Kevin
Favorite Band: Dream Theater, Born of Osiris, Veil of Maya
Something Unusual About me: I love hot sauce a lot lol
Favorite Sport: I don't know lol
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