Who Are You?

Name: Anna
favorite band: Alice in chains
favorite sport: none
favorite team: none

Dont really like sports, sorry to say but my favorite things in the World are music (both listen and creating), painting and do smack. Currently I just came home after almost three months in rehab, and are now trying to keep off the drugs

Stay strong and keep away from that smack! See, you need a favorite sports team, that'll switch your addiction from smack to sports! :tickled:

Seriously though, I wish you the best on that, you can freakin do it :headbang:
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Name: Luke, aka OrionAncient, aka DJBluskye (google me)
Last name: X
Favorite band: currently, Unleash the Archers, and Gloryhammer
Something unusual: I hitchhiked the USA for 3 years. Had a lot of fun.
Favorite sport: i dont care for sports
Favorite team: If i had to choose, Seahawks, NFL
name: Laurasia (Laurie for short)
favorite band: My Chemical Romance
something unusual about me: I wasn't into any kind of rock or metal until a year ago. Before that, 90% of what I listened to was classical and showtunes.
favorite sport: ice hockey
favorite team: Montreal Habs
Thankfully I never got addicted to anything other than a bit of a mental dependency to weed when I was younger. Smoked nearly every day for six years straight. Now I only smoke it literally once or twice every second week (when I visit friends in my hometown).

Tried cocaine, ecstasy, and MDMA a couple times each but I guess I just don't have a terribly addictive personality as they never caught on really.
I once blurted out "Purple rainbow unicorn!" In class just for fun. Everybody thought I was on acid! I can sometimes get high off of my own brain tissue. I also spit mucus into my hand in class to gross everyone out. It worked, an teacher forced me to go to the restroom to wash my hands. I actually dated the girl who complained during the last week of that school year...
It didn't work too terribly well. I was then almost sent to the guidance counseler's office for kicking the bathroom wall out of anger. This was in middle school. I have some great guidance counseler memories. I let one student in on my drug use (consisting of mainly inhalants, and a few pills I found). He then told the guidance counseler. I got called in, I swear I thought I was completely fucked. I was able to lie my way out of it. I said that I was talking about drugs because either thought they were funny. I don't take any kind of drugs any more. I regret that period of my life. I sniffed a lot of glue, but I stopped because I didn't want to fuck up my guitar playing. I'm glad I stopped. If my school reads this post, I am fucked, due to their strict "honor code".
You sound like id hate you if i went to your school...
Hey all. First post here. I'm looking for a forum that isn't overrun with annoying SJWs. I don't seem to fit in anywhere on the internet... hopefully I will here. To answer the questions:

Name: David
Last name: Nope - I'm googleable
Favorite band: Pallbearer
Something unusual: I'm a totally straight (married with kids) male interior designer.
Favorite sport: I'm not into sports. I can watch boxing and MMA but I don't follow them actively.
Favorite team: See above. I'm generally not interested in "team" anything. I'm a loner and I look up to loners.
Name: UnderMyWheels
Favorite band: AC/DC
Something unusual: Likes all kinds of music if thats unusual for some
Favorite sport: No fave
Favorite team: A few
Name: Kevin the "GlamDefender"
Favorite band: All Pre-1986 Glam metal, not the later p0sers, all old thrash, black, Norwegian black, early doom and power metal. Also Ozzy, Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Zeppelin. Basically any "real" metal before 2005 and is not rap and country.
Something unusual: I may or may not habe a cansur
Favorite sport: Football, Hockey, Soccer. In that perfect order.
Favorite team: All Colorado and 'Sota teams, also bundesliga.
Name: Kevin the "GlamDefender"
Favorite band: All Pre-1986 Glam metal, not the later p0sers, all old thrash, black, Norwegian black, early doom and power metal. Also Ozzy, Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Zeppelin. Basically any "real" metal before 2005 and is not rap and country.
Something unusual: I may or may not habe a cansur
Favorite sport: Football, Hockey, Soccer. In that perfect order.
Favorite team: All Colorado and 'Sota teams, also bundesliga.

Are you a fan of Wrathchild?
name: Noa
favorite band: forever and for always Strapping Young Lad
something unusual about me: my entire existence is unusual.
favorite sport: sports suck.
favorite team: none
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favorite sport: sports suck.

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Reactions: The Butt and Noa.