Who Are You?

Name: Jesus, JK JK Nicole
Country: US
Favorite bands: Death, Iced Earth, Jag Panzer and Primal Fear
Interesting fact? Everything about me haha

I'd say Iced Earth have a pretty secure place in my top ten bands at all times. What was your favorite album?
favourite band: too many to pick from
something unusual about me: too many to pick from
favorite sport: football(or soccer)
favourite teams: Chelsea, Barcelona, Juventus, Bayern Munich, PSG, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Belgium, England(jk)
Name: Nicholas
Location: Linköping, Sweden
Occupation: Ice hockey referee and law student
Fav bands: Wintersun, Burzum, Ensiferum, Woods Of Desolation, Austere, The Howling Void, Amon Amarth, Dark Funeral, Germ, Iskald, Moonsorrow, Skogen, Sworn, etc.
Fav sports: Ice hockey, (European) football, skeleton, golf
Fav teams: AIK, Anaheim Ducks
Fav book: Atlas shrugged
Real name: Scott

Age: 24

Favorite band: I don't really have one and try not to.

Favorite sports: Ice Hockey, power lifting and sometimes baseball.

Favorite team: Pittsburgh Penguins

Something unusual about me: I molested a teddy bear one time and didn't feel a shred of shame afterwards. That teddy bear was practically begging me to do it. It never said yes but never said no either. Don't judge me.

Favorite books. Anything by Tolkien. I enjoy cheesy fantasy novels particularly the Drizzt series and I also read some popular philosophy stuff too like Ayn Rand and Nietzsche every once and awhile. I've been reading a book called "The man who quit money" at the moment. I bought it on a whim awhile ago and I'm really enjoying it now. I might read Infinite Jest or something else ambitious next.
Couldn't choose one band but my fave riff is in 'the death of one man...' by Ion Dissonance...
Fave food/meal would be a bean burger with sweet potato chips. IN MY FACE.
I enjoy the world cup but that's as far as I go with sport. Last time I was routing for Ghana. x
Name: William
Fave bands: Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Malevolent Creation, Kreator, Slayer, Death.
Fave sports team(s): NY Yankees, Oakland Raiders.
Fave movies: The Thing (1982) LOTR trilogy, Reservior Dogs, Kill Bill 1&2.
Hi my names Lana and I'm here for the same reason you all are. I love metal music. I listen to a little of everything but I mostly listen to 90s metal and alternative, I also listen to classic rock and classic hard rock/metal.Anyway hopin to talk to someone cool on here.
Favorite bands: Cattle Decapitation, Exodus, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Mushroomhead, Alice In Chains and a ton more
name: Kevin

favorite band: Arch enemy

something unusual about me:a lot of people at my school say I am weird as guy and i am anti-social

favorite sport: Soccer

favorite team: Bayern munich
Favorite band: The 69 Eyes,Nightwish,COB,Altaria,Mob Rules
Goth-metal and heavy netal
Favorite sport: I HATE sport
Favorite team: ???
name: Marce
favorite band: Tough one, but I'll go with Children Of Bodom, Pantera, Amon Amarth, Venom, White Zombie and Slayer.
something unusual about me: I actually have a very varied taste in music. I have so many random interests too, I guess I'm just open-minded or indecisive...either one.
favorite sport: Not a sports fan. Does archery count? Lol
favorite team: n/a
Nickname: Hawkie/Hawky
Age: 22 | Height: 4'10" <- HA!......
Favorite band(s): Ensiferum/Wintersun/Týr/Amon Amarth/Korpiklaani/Stam1na/etc (Open to suggestions)
Favorite game(s): Warhammer Online (Official servers cancelled Dec 2013), Skyrim, most things on Steam
Favorite book(s): A Tale of the Sundering/Night Angel Trilogy/(Needing to finish Drizzt)
Hobbies: Gaming, sketching, hiking, archery/marksmanship, travelling, writing
Country: USA, wait that's not interesting
Something(s) interesting (or weird): I have an obsession with Warhammer Fantasy. There are other things but I think I've spent enough time typing this. That and I'm having a brainfart.
Nice to meet you fellow metaller's,

Name: Natan/Naten
Age: 21(22 in about a week though)
Favorite bands: many. I started listening at since about age 15, so, to name a few - DragonForce, Fates Warning, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Rhapsody of Fire. And the non-metal ones - Daughtry, Breaking Benjamin, Nickelback.
Favorite games: MapleStory, Counter Strike
favorite books: I dont read books. I find it nerdy, hah..But I read on the internet much more than I read books.
Hobbies: Games, Music, Films, Swimming, Hiking, Cycling
Country: Israel
favorite sport: Swimming
favorite films: James Bond series, Scream series
Something interesting: I'm a quite varied person. I can like almost anything games or music wise. I even listen to country music sometimes, and I like it as much as I like metal. So my taste is quite diverse, I'd say.
name: JR
a few of my favorite metal bands: Sentenced, Nile, Down, Eluveitie, ETHS, Soilwork....
something unusual about me: I have tattoos that are probably older than the majority of people here.
favorite sports-teams: pro football-AZ Cardinals, Women's Flat Track Derby-Texas Rollergirls, powerlifting-anyone that lifts raw and natural.
next toy I want: 72 Cutlass convertible w/bench seats or a 63 Lincoln convertible w/suicide doors and bench seats.
Favorite shows:#3-Rufus w/Chaka Khan, Eagles w/guest Joe Walsh, Rolling Stones #2-Girlschool, Deep Purple #1 2nd Monsters of Rock at Donnington Park-More, Blackfoot, Slade, Blue Oyster Cult, Whitesnake, AC/DC
Enjoy the occasional good beer, wine, or great bourbon.
Name: Does it matter? lol
Favourite bands: Too many to choose...
Vader, Obituary, Death, Necrophagist, Nevermore, Arcturus, Vintersorg, Borknagar, Testament...
Favourite sport: Sleep :)
Favourite Team: -
My name is Dave, I'm 15 years old, a freshmen in Hell, I like black metal, heavy metal, thrash metal, death metal, doom metal, and glam metal. My favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Megadeth, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer, Exodus, Testament, Burzum, Bathory, Immortal, and Mayhem. My favorite sport is jerking off. I'm a Satanist. I have no friends I talk to in person.

Something unusual: Everyone who knows me in person thinks I belong in an insane asylum.
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Name: Anna
favorite band: Alice in chains
favorite sport: none
favorite team: none

Dont really like sports, sorry to say but my favorite things in the World are music (both listen and creating), painting and do smack. Currently I just came home after almost three months in rehab, and are now trying to keep off the drugs