Who are your top three Thrash bands of all time?

That depends.......if you count Possessed as being strictly thrash other than proto-death metal then they're at the top of my list.
If not then:
Darth Kur said:
That depends.......if you count Possessed as being strictly thrash other than proto-death metal then they're at the top of my list.

That's why they weren't in my list, as they'd probably be at the top of mine, also.

Hell GoD, any song on that album is awesome.
The first two and the title track are my favourites. I don't rate the band as highly as most seem to, I just think they're cool rather than being 'AWESOME AMAZING THE BEST BAND IN YEARS'.
Guardian of Darkness said:
The first two and the title track are my favourites. I don't rate the band as highly as most seem to, I just think they're cool rather than being 'AWESOME AMAZING THE BEST BAND IN YEARS'.

What band would you ever actually say something like that about? :grin: