Who Do You Hate?

The Grimace

New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2004
North of the Valley, South of the Hills
Ok, so here's your chance to post that 8-page essay you've been saving on the finer points of why Nokturnal Mortum really don't need two keyboardists or why Vintersorg sounds like he swallowed a reindeer or why Devin Townsend looks like a child molestor or in what way Soilwork has personally made your life suck that much more just by their pathetic fucking existance. Or why you're a douchebag like Dodens and you think Mastodon is anything less than godly. :lol:

Who Do You Hate?

Be specific. Let's hear some serious Supreme Court cases, people.
As I Lay Dying, Avenged Sevenfold, similar ad nauseam: Prissy, wiffleballed, soft, ripoffs, suckage, listen to Bywar.
Shit like Mastodon. And Noise. And most Ambient. And a lot of Brutal Death. And a shitload of Grind. And faggots who can't accept a difference of opinion.

Tearstained fucking rules.
Wow, smart one. That bastard did "fucking die." The cops blew off his head.

I honestly hate hate. I hate threads like this. Threads of negative energy. At least J-P was succinct and is now trying to be constructive. Maybe we can turn this shit into a thrash recommendation thread like every other hate pit on GMD. Wouldn't that be something? Where's Pyrus?

anonymousnick2001 said:
I hate threads like this. Threads of negative energy.

like your anti-matt barlow posts?

grind core sucks, messhugah, etc.

i also hate bleeding hearts (probably more than anything else), and whilst that wasn't aimed @ nick, it was a good time to bring it up. :dopey:
shitty rock'n'roll (death) metal
most black metal
heavy metal
"progress" metal
power/speed metal
the whole "metal" label
diving footballers
whining cunts (especially when inept)
lazy cunts who whine (whine after you make enough effort ffs)
people who talk too much and/or use redundant words
people who make simple things complicated
people who fail at life and resort to music as a result
people with big ego and little ability
people with Che Guevara t-shirts
environmental activists
expansive religions
unstable women
wearing a tie (what function does it have?)
shitty weather (too much sunshine/too cold)
high taxes (especially when used to fund parasites)
Don Quixotes
"pagan values"
shitty folk music
The only time I ever really strongly dislike any music is when I want to enjoy something and just can't do it. I know I mentioned it before but Summoning are probably the best example. Mostly I'm just indifferent to music I don't like, if I can't get into something then it's often because I'm not in the right frame of mind or the right mood to enjoy it. Though from recent times I do remember not liking 'Towers of Avarice' by Zero Hour at all on first listen and I've not put it on since.
I hate fags who think they are witty by making shit threads that serve no purpose. (Ala the grimarse). For fuck sakes man, the best part of you ran down the crack of your mother's ass and ended up a shit stain on your daddies matress. Who are you to insult any musician? You're not worthy enough to be a sweat trickle on Devin's skullet. You think vintersorg swallowed a reindeer? You listen to bands whose vocalists sound as if they are a cat caught on a manifold with the engine reved to 3,000 rpm's. Burn the day? Change that avatar to burn the gay. For that is what I propose we do to you. (If the hemorroids haven't done so already) For fuck sakes friend do you serve a purpose? Atleast Krigloch the fattious is a jolly chum who relishes in high glycemic indexed foods. He can wake up every morning with the solace in knowing that a plate of deep fried chicken will fill the void. What do you have? Obviously you don't have a girlfriend. You made that obviously clear when you replied with the answer "5 years" in the SOT Thread entitled "When was the last time you got laid?" Sorry mate, but applying peanut butter spread to your ascending crinkly cullians as santa's little helper sucks you off doesn't count! So in closing, get the fuck off this message board! Nobody likes your epileptic dancing, dignatary of dystrophy, faggoth facade!

Meh I take that back. That could'nt be a facade! :tickled: