Who do you trust most?

Strangelight said:
When I was about 6 or 7 I pulled a Christmas cracker. I won, and inside was a plastic fish and a small piece of paper that said "women are fickle" on it. I'll never forget that.
My dad always told me that men are like busses... "never run after them for there's always another one coming"
Eos said:
My dad always told me that men are like busses... "never run after them for there's always another one coming"

haha. The Macc Lads always told me...
"Treat yer women like toilets,
The're happy while you're abusing them,
But toilets don't follow yer 'round,
When you've finished using them"
Bazmeg :/

I'll be faithful till I die, and then I'll become an angel and will fly to you and guide you to your bed, whispering in your ear it was worth it. I won't be a beautiful angel, that's of not much importance, but you'll recognise me cause I'll always come with some feeling of remorse spreading in you, echoing "oh, mankind, why are you so frightened to find what you're looking for?"

Until then I'm waiting for my airbus :)
Yeah, thanx people for your honest/cynical/funny responses :)

Frodnat said:
Never trust people that try to manipulate you with emotions... No one with good intentions would do that and also never trust people that seem to be adults but aren´t adults. Childish emotions... aren´t good for anything...
Good advise indeed! This applies to bf/gf, friends, parents, brothers, sisters, anyone! I use this as a Golden Rule in my life: if you show such behavior and don't have a very good excuse for it, you're out! The people I trust are my girlfriend (we're very close) and a few close friends.

I used to know someone who was the first I think who I could trust 100%, and...
and look what happened...
to say sometimes I cannot even trust myself either as I made myself disappointed some times and it was enough :( but nowadays think it's still myself who I trust the most, noone else
well i trust my girlfriend. but if she feels to misabuse my trust, well... then it is like that.
and i guess its the other way around, but people always say they never abuse someone. pathetic.

not that i am fooling people.... :erk: :tickled:
Alwin said:
Yeah, thanx people for your honest/cynical/funny responses :)

Good advise indeed! This applies to bf/gf, friends, parents, brothers, sisters, anyone! I use this as a Golden Rule in my life: if you show such behavior and don't have a very good excuse for it, you're out! The people I trust are my girlfriend (we're very close) and a few close friends.

Always keep in mind that many people show this manipulative behaviour, because they learned it or because they use it as a protection to not get aware that something is wrong. Only the people who don´t understand their behaviour and don´t feel sorry for it after someone confrontated them with the negative outcome of it, are out for me. There are much more people out there that arent aware of what they are doing... :err: And some real assholes control them consciously. That´s a big difference...

These assholes deserve to die !!!
my grandmother is the person i trust more. she has several bad traits but her loyalty (to me at least) has been exceptional.

dont trust people you have sex with. it changes everything. like them but dont trust them, or to put it better, dont put too much faith in them. thats the lesson i got from me very few personal experiences and also from me friends' ones (boys or girls, it doesnt matter).
sol83 said:
dont trust people you have sex with. it changes everything. like them but dont trust them, or to put it better, dont put too much faith in them. thats the lesson i got from me very few personal experiences and also from me friends' ones (boys or girls, it doesnt matter).

that's so sad. do all of you people have sex without love? i think i could only have sex with someone i trusted COMPLETELY.