Who do you trust most?

autumnsphere said:
my god.... im sorry for you... having sex without love is like drinking bad whiskey... i prefer not to drink at all. you don't know what a hallucinogenic is love...

You are right with that one... Having sex is like using cocaine. You can manipulate yourself with an extreme sex-life...
autumnsphere said:
people who are afraid to get hurt are so alone and unhappy.
so basically, all of us isnt it? everyone's afraid to be hurt. tho if u let it lead your efforts, it becomes a bitch.

what do you do to let the hurting glide down and away?
toolsofthetrade said:
so basically, all of us isnt it? everyone's afraid to be hurt. tho if u let it lead your efforts, it becomes a bitch.

what do you do to let the hurting glide down and away?

dunno, try to be free and a bit crazy. try to switch off your instinct of self-preservation... you'll never fly if you're afraid to fall...

I wish you the strength to let let grown on,
I wish you the strength to let love flow
Dhatura said:
But I think that's natural, how could you expect anyone to help you stand on your feet without any reward? I also have my own interest in everything I do, I suppose that's the same with everyone else. For example, even if I had the means to give away large amounts of money, I'd do it for my own enjoyment of seeing them happy. Hm.
Well, I used to be quite romantic and that, I used to believe that my friends will be there for me when I need them just like I'm there when they need me... I was blind to see how things really are and I've paid for my ignorance... Finally, I understood, and I'm glad I did...
Bastet said:
easier said than done. it's not like a switch that you can turn off, you know :(

If you realize where the switches are than you control the switch... There is no need for fear in a situation you feel anxious. It just makes everything worse... Get rid of it, it is good for nothing and it is the best manner for controlling someone. Look at christian religion. They used fear to control. Look back at the last two thousand years. What ruled the majority of the human race... FEAR !!!
toolsofthetrade said:
Sin? to what? to whom? it's just not convenient to be anxious. you do it to yerself. no bibles involved whatsoever :erk:

everything you do is connected to fear. think about all the things you never did, because you were afraid... isn't that a sin? it has nothing to do with religion.
freedom is the goal of the universe.
Frodnat, you speak in general terms. I don't think you could find those switches Bastet's talking about. It doesn't mean we're afraid to go out of the house, like in that kid's poem, when the narrator has a nightmare and the mother says "oh, but it was just a dream" and the kid says "as if knowing that it's inside and not outside would help it".

It's not being afraid or not, it's like wishing to avoid the possibility of being let down rather than giving a try while knowing that it might end up badly. And giving a try again and again.
autumnsphere said:
everything you do is connected to fear. think about all the things you never did, because you were afraid... isn't that a sin? it has nothing to do with religion.
freedom is the goal of the universe.
i deffo agree to that. tho the word *sin* was invented by christianity.
i dont feel obliged to christianity to become who i am. or be anxious. i'm only disappointing myself with that fear.
tho the things i never did arent just about not having the guts. it could be you feel (out of experience) you are not yet up for it, better to develop skills more before undertaking bigger things.
autumnsphere said:
everything you do is connected to fear. think about all the things you never did, because you were afraid... isn't that a sin? it has nothing to do with religion.
freedom is the goal of the universe.

Oh, come on, why fear? I'm simply lazy as fuck.
