Who do you trust most?

toolsofthetrade said:
i deffo agree to that. tho the word *sin* was invented by christianity.
i dont feel obliged to christianity to become who i am. or be anxious. i'm only disappointing myself with that fear.
tho the things i never did arent just about not having the guts. it could be you feel (out of experience) you are not yet up for it, better to develop skills more before undertaking bigger things.

all the great writers and musicians feel they're not ready, but they write the most amazing things. like our danny for instance, haha... you must TRY. no matter how you feel. if you ever get completely satisfied with yourself, then something's wrong.
autumnsphere said:
all the great writers and musicians feel they're not ready, but they write the most amazing things. like our danny for instance, haha... you must TRY. no matter how you feel. if you ever get completely satisfied with yourself, then something's wrong.
surely i try - one time it's better than the next. i take my chances as they come, dont worry. and i'm never satisfied, fortunately, there's so much more t'explore...
if the will to explore is bigger than the fear holding you back, it's all good.
Allan said:
And writing off someone as a liar or whatever because they told a lie to keep you from harm or sth, or to feel someone is untrustworthy because they accidentally told someone sth once, you felt sort of betrayed your trust, is sad and wrong. There's no easy way about it, no blind distrust, nor trust.

Someone once told me that in forgiveness we recreate life, I think it's true, and in no way cheesy.
it's a difficult thing isn't it? i don't really believe in revenge. or to 'destroy evil' with the same evil. i wrote in another thread i can't bare it when people don't trust me. i mean that in most cases i can't bare it that 'they think i can't bare forms of truth/keep things behind from me not to hurt me'. (though i might do kindalike things sometimes.) i can forgive someone who does something like that to me once, but if he/she keeps not trusting me, doesn't want to move on... then there's no way of communication anymore.

i trust my partner in that way that he can communicate with me in that way. so i know what kind of relationship we're supposed to have. i guess by years you change about things. i know now i can't be mother maria and the only one for a guy. i'm almost accepting that :)
I posted this allready in the quotes thread, but it applies here as well:

"Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained"

William Blake - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Dhatura said:
Frodnat, you speak in general terms. I don't think you could find those switches Bastet's talking about. It doesn't mean we're afraid to go out of the house, like in that kid's poem, when the narrator has a nightmare and the mother says "oh, but it was just a dream" and the kid says "as if knowing that it's inside and not outside would help it".

It's not being afraid or not, it's like wishing to avoid the possibility of being let down rather than giving a try while knowing that it might end up badly. And giving a try again and again.

A dream is never just a dream and you don´t dream certain things without being triggered by events from the outside.

If you are afraid of for example of going out of the house, then you are talking about a generalized fear. I wanted to say that if you know what is the trigger that causes the emotion of fear in you than you know how to react when you are triggered by something. It isn´t easy. But if your fears are still very generalized fears than you are far away from knowing the background. There is always a reason why you are afraid of certain things and these things can be found in your past, even if you don´t remember.

Sometimes fear is just there if you feel fear the fear is getting stronger in this moment and stronger the next time you encounter the same situation if you only see your fear. Just ignore the fear sometimes and it will work a lot better. The reason was yesterday but not now in the present... :err:
Yeah, it's great, don't tell me it isn't cause I feel great about it right now.

I have no generalized fears, no, I have my little particular fears. But I can't switch them off until their cause is there.
Strangelight said:
Is it possible that girls just dress it all up as 'special love' cos they'd feel dirty admitting they like shagging?
Just a thought..
having a conversation about it

e: would you deny you like sex in public?
l: no way
e: not even to strangers?
l: no, i even would admit i masturbate and such
e: perhaps calling it special love is something i might have done when i was still romantic about things, i dont think these days i would deny i just want to have sex
l: yeah, i think i even rather would tell a guy i´d like to have sex with him than that he´s my special love
e: agreed
Are you bothered about it? :D

I do admit I like shagging, in spite of the little experience I have. But excuse me for not getting horny on, for example, my flatmate just because he's around :/ I've been asked a couple of times, overtly or covertly, by some boys, but I'm simply not interested. That's all, no "high morality" or whatever romantic shit. They just don't turn me on.

And it's not "special love", it's just love, I guess everyone has it now and then. Mind you, not all girls are against one-night stands either, I think having sex with/without love is not gender-dependent.