Who do you trust most?

Dhatura said:
And I also feel shit having just eaten a whole fucking box of "Grandoletti noir -- caramel wafers in dark coating". This is terrible, sometimes I wind up devouring the sweets I buy as a present for someone else :/ Though it wasn't the case this time, but I have some other stuff *eyes wide shut*
What do you mean with "EYES WIDE SHUT"... I don´t get it !!! ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
I meant eyes tightly shut, so as not to see the sweets bought for someone else, but as it might prove a futile endeavour, I may as well keep my eyes wide shut. And of course I chose to write that because I'm a snob.
Dhatura said:
And I also feel shit having just eaten a whole fucking box of "Grandoletti noir -- caramel wafers in dark coating". This is terrible, sometimes I wind up devouring the sweets I buy as a present for someone else :/ Though it wasn't the case this time, but I have some other stuff *eyes wide shut*
ok ok ok voluntary sex is always kinda good
siderea said:
do you trust your girl with other girls?
do you mind her kissing her best friend on the lips?
when she´s sitting next to you?

I wouldnt get jealous nor would I watch for perverted reasons. However I would "love-spectate" if she was to partake in a bit of "feminism" :tickled:
Strangelight said:
you two girls are made for each other! imagine all the liquid intensity you could offer one another? heheh


