Who downloaded the new Slipknot song?

Utuk Xul said:
"Pulse of the Maggots"

And what did you think?

To me: a little odd, reminds me of Fear Factory and Slayer.

Hell yea! The new single is so kvlt :headbang: Its so mooch betta dan nething slayer has eva put out! Slipknot for life! Corey your my hero!!!! :worship:

Now Playing: New Slipknot Single- Maggotmonia
Listening to it now...

Horrid vocals. Not bad riffage and drumming. The fsolo's are shit... well at least they're trying. Why do they need 9 members when they right songs like that? That song could easily be played by 4 people.
Oceanic Motion said:
Listening to it now...

Horrid vocals. Not bad riffage and drumming. The fsolo's are shit... well at least they're trying. Why do they need 9 members when they right songs like that? That song could easily be played by 4 people.
Not all 9 of them play at the same time. I'm not sure why they need to list the sampler, dj, and 2 percussionists as members because in most bands they're just listed as "guest musicians". I guess they didn't want anyone to feel left out.

Rhys Fulber (sp?) has been Fear Factory's keyboardist for all these years, yet he's not listed as one of the main band members.
this question is like asking a straight guy if he likes suckin dick. i dont think most people will admit to listening to it
I was curious, so I gave it a listen. I want my 3 minutes back. Godawful, it's like they're trying to outdo St. Anger. More abysmal than their older stuff.
they're trying too hard to sound like the newer metal bands of today, (shadows fall, LoG) while keeping some of their old styling. heh too bad they failed miserably and it sounds like shit.
MURAI said:
Yeah you're right Funeral Portrait. They're totally ripping those 2 bands off and the vocals sucks shit.

I downloaded it after reading this thread and agree. It's just boring, and a bit repetitive too. At least I could headbang to the first record. This shit is lame :\
I didn't download that shit and I don't plan on it. Hopefully, this album will be a flop and I'll never have to hear about 'em again.
and a bit of a tip for mick (or whoever the hell was playing the solos), have a fucking backround riff!!! it sounded so empty with nothing but drums and guitar solo.
I don't even want to download it... their vocalist gets on my nerve with his screamings and the music isn't interesting at all.