Who else agrees that...

Syd Sabbath

Son of Al Capone
Apr 11, 2004
Bed of Razors is, seriously, extremely romantic?

I mean listen to it while readin the lyrics, and I don't know, man, I'm not into any freaky S&M stuff or anything, but man,...

If I ever meet a girl that I could read that song to, and she'll be genuinely touched by it,...shiiiittttttt, I'll be with that chick forever.

-And also in Lil Bloodred Ridin Hood when he says something like "Ill follow you til the end of the world", pure romance, dude.
Yeah....;) ;) ;) and it's linked to Sinergy's Razorblade Salvation (which was released first, btw).
AND in response to Razorblade Salvation, yours truly wrote a poem last September, titled "No Salvation". ;) ;)
you're married, and you're gonna be with another girl? leave some for the rest of us!!!!!!!! :bah:

i want a metal chick ..... :cry: i want a beautiful chick, metal or not :cry: :cry:

and yeah the lyrics of razorblade salvation and bed of razors are very similar and both very touching.
Syd Sabbath said:
Bed of Razors is, seriously, extremely romantic?

I mean listen to it while readin the lyrics, and I don't know, man, I'm not into any freaky S&M stuff or anything, but man,...

If I ever meet a girl that I could read that song to, and she'll be genuinely touched by it,...shiiiittttttt, I'll be with that chick forever.

-And also in Lil Bloodred Ridin Hood when he says something like "Ill follow you til the end of the world", pure romance, dude.
I never considered bed of razors romantic haha to me it sounds like suicide.
Silver Incubus said:
I thought Kim wrote the lyrics to bed of Razors, I could be wrong tho
You are wrong. She wrote lyrics for Silent Night, Bodom Night. Much more info can be found in the discography section on Scythes Of Bodom.