Who has a better voice Joey or John? Why it doesn't even matter

Oct 5, 2003
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Okay so I have spent all week listening to every Anthrax album from Joey and John. I came to the conclusion that I really don't care one way or another who is on vocals. But what I do care about is the way the albums differed musically/ soundwise.

ATL, STD, SOE, and POT just have a much more brutal, unique thrash element to them. So if John was singing on those era albums I wouldn't have minded.

The albums after Joey was canned just have a different vibe to them. Even if Joey was singing on those albums I still wouldn't be a huge fan of them.

So when it comes down to it, to me it's not about Joey vs. John. It is about the ATL - POT albums vs the SOWN - Present albums. And there is just no comparison in my opinion. The Anthrax albums with Joey were just flat out classics and no matter who sang on them musically they are far superior than than the JB era albums.

Just go listen to ATL, STD, POT, and SOE and say that those albums don't blow away everything they have done since then.

Joey and John are both good vocalists. The band just changed their core sound when John came in and thats why I don't like the JB era.
The music takes precedence over the vox, but if Anthrax were an a cappella group, I'd rather hear Joey (with the rest of the band doing nonsense rapping under him, not really). If you like a singer with a decent range and less vein-bulging strain, Joey's your man.

Musically speaking the Joey era albums are far superior and had the signature Anthrash sound. After that they tried to go a different direction and keep up with the modern bands of the times. But it really didn't pan out.

If JB were to have sang on the Joey era albums I would have still loved them just as much. If Joey sang on the past few albums I sitll wouldn't like them.
"John Bush is the voice of Anthrax. He's the one I always wanted" - Scott Ian.

Enough said.

"John Bush is the voice of Anthrax. He's the one I always wanted" - Scott Ian.

Enough said.


Yes and John has declared himself unavailable, so they've moved on. I wish others aroud here would too. I'd prefer Bush too, but what are you going to do?
Question was "Who has a better voice Joey or John?"

And the correct answer is JOHN BUSH is the voice of ANTHRAX!

"John Bush is the voice of Anthrax. He's the one I always wanted" - Scott Ian.

Enough said.


John has an intensity to his singing that Joey just cant come close to.John made Anthrax more intense and edgy with his vocal style alone . Anthrax with Joey are great but John would have made those older records sound heavier.
Stomp 442 is a great example that thrashier doesn't always constitute heavier.
John has an intensity to his singing that Joey just cant come close to.John made Anthrax more intense and edgy with his vocal style alone . Anthrax with Joey are great but John would have made those older records sound heavier.
Stomp 442 is a great example that thrashier doesn't always constitute heavier.
Indeed. You are wise beyond your years!
Why it does matter: I just can't stand Joeys voice. MY opinion. Hell, I even like Neill Turbins voice more. To me Joeys voice is, well, a mediocre 80's metal voice.

And, being said that: I wonder how long they'll stick together this time. I mean, the intervals for lineup changes decreased in the last years. Who knows what's next... Phil Collins on the drums?
Musically speaking the Joey era albums are far superior and had the signature Anthrash sound. After that they tried to go a different direction and keep up with the modern bands of the times. But it really didn't pan out.

If JB were to have sang on the Joey era albums I would have still loved them just as much. If Joey sang on the past few albums I sitll wouldn't like them.

I think you are generalizing a bit much here.

White Noise, Stomp and Volume 8 all have just one song i really like, but i love most of We've Come For You All. And i don't think anything from the John Bush albums would work with Joey.

The Joey albums have much more great songs, and they are good with Joey, but they sound 100 times better with John, because he adds an edge to them Joey just can't deliver, because he sounds very generic.

So i agree with you, that Joeythrax overall had more great songs, but to me Bushthrax will always have the better voice and make the Joeythrax songs even better.

Of course that's just my opinion.

I think it's a bit frustrating, that they will now release songs like Fight 'Em with Joey on vocals, and everyone will think they need Joey to be thrashy, but actually they would have released these songs with John too, he just happens to be retired already.
I'm told Scott already contemplated it, but the deal was ACTUALLY made circa 1992 when Scott threatened to leave if Joey wasn't canned. The condition was that if Bushthrax didn't sustain the band, they would attempt to rehire Joey, with Scott being a man and accepting his return. This has been in the cards for a long time.

So 6er, please enlighten us with the details of Scott's beef with Joey.
We all have our opinions, and mine is that on the whole, I'm not a fan of most of the albums. Joey or John.

Everything up to POT - my opinion - was kinda lame. There was some excellent songs on those albums, but in whole they were poor. POT was an outright classic.

For the John era, SOWN was sheer genius, but everything else was just like pre-POT; Some decent songs, but on the whole subpar.

Again, that's my opinion and I'm sure I'm in the majority. Whilst I do prefer John voice to Joey's, the common factor in everything I said above was the music not the vocals.

But POT and SOWN prove the band ARE capable of pulling out all the stops.

Anyway, I'm off to get the beer in before the World Cup starts.
If they would have replaced "Bare" with "Grunt & Click" I would rank it as awesome as SOWN. On another note I know people that did not buy Stomp 442 for the sole reason that it didn't have the Anthrax logo on it! Seriously? WTF?

And for those of you that are wondering why they did that: to get an album cover by Storm Thorgerson (who fucking rules), he makes the rules. One of which is that he doesn't use existing logos unless they fit the artistic statement he's making.
Stomp have been a real grower on me in recent years. So much so that I listen to it more than WCFYA or SOWN. Vol 8 is my least fav Bush era album.

Still regardless they are all great albums. Personally I have enjoyed every single album of Anthrax. Rare for me to say that about any band.
All the NickelBush album covers blow goat genitals. Stomp is a decent album, but their songwriting went south soon thereafter. Luckily, the new songs are very strong.

They do, but all Anthrax album covers do. It's a shame good music is wrapped up in shit like that ^^

The new songs we've heard are great, but who knows which ones they'll use for the new album? They clearly wrote them with Bush singing them in mind, so they might just write new ones with Joey. Or change the ones they have completely.

If they want acceptance for Joey they should really release an EP or something to show everyone it'll work this time... the discussion won't stop until they release some new decent material, because until then they will remain being the joke they have become over last years.