Who is going to Wacken this year then?

markgugs said:
Because I'm man enough to close one eye and drive 25 fucking miles through fields and small German towns. :tickled:
Okay so what's more manly: sleeping outside or driving ridiculously drunk? I call a draw.
Erik said:
Haha, you should try living in Norrland. Dress like that (like most young fashion-conscious Americans do) in public and you will not only be called a fag, it will be assumed that you're really homosexual. Unfortunately, all that gay shallow trend bullshit is slowly creeping in via Stockholm...
what the hell do the trendies wear, then? (i won't accept the answer that "there are no trendies here", then i would have to shoot myself for not moving to sweden sooner).
Black Winter Day said:
hair-brushes are for girls and wimps.
Do you fuckers not comb your hair at all? I do it only once in the morning, if I didn't I'd have crows living out of it by noon. Actually, that would be kinda cool.
Erik said:
Me neither, actually... Sorath took the cake last year when he woke up in someone else's tent with people he'd never met before (MALE! and though he claims to have had no pains in the rectal region afterwards I have my doubts) -- mind you, the tent was quite similar to his own. These things aren't easy when drunk.
Buddy of mine showed up to camp at midnight once, started digging through the cooler: "bananas? wine!? where's the fuckin' beer! HEY! WAKE UP!!!" finally the poor people yelled "WRONG TENT!" :lol:
I use a brush because combs don't fit, they just get jammed in my knots then I end up looking like a wigger because I can't get it out.
First night last Wacken I slept in someone elses tent. They didn't seem pissed off when I woke them up by scattering their stuff all over the place when I was looking for my shorts, either.
Haha Erik talks about split ends and BWD will soon post a picture of his special shampoo, yet I'm the fag because I take 7 seconds every morning to brush my hair. :loco:
Black Winter Day said:
at least he didn't live off welfare like most unemployed hippies of today. in fact, i'd almost like to try out his lifestyle for a year or so. see how long before i'm sneaking back to my real house for my stereo and CDs. :loco:
After reading too much Keroauc lately I want to do the bum thing too, but I don't think I'd be man enough to last more than a few months.
NAD said:
After reading too much Keroauc lately I want to do the bum thing too, but I don't think I'd be man enough to last more than a few months.
i'm telling ya, the transcendentalists, beats and eastern-influenced writers (hesse) cuased more hippiedom than strawberry alarm clock and the grateful dead. then again, the acid and pot probably helped as well...