Who is the best guitar-player?

Hm.. Alexi prolly kicks Ale's ass.. But as far as I've heard/seen Ale never gets a chance showing off :/ It also says, in the CD covers, that Alexi is responsible for writing and arranging all tracks...?

WELL HE DOESN'T BREAK MICHAEL ROMEO!! Romeo for president and justice for all.. ^^

Well... there's some guitarists being better than Alexi...

For a start I'd mention John Petrucci, and quite a list of others, only they're all 10 or even more years older than him...
I'm really curious how Alexi will develop, he might become one of the very greatest I think :)
hey! glad you remembered Petrucci here =D

My top 5 (in any order)

1-John Petrucci
2-Steve Vai
3-Joe Satriani
4-Al DiMeola
5-I forgot the fifth one, so i'll just say Eric Johnson

With this top five it looks like i only know g3, but whatever, couldn't think anyone else better to put on

And before you ask me "where the hell is Yngwie" i'll explain myself: i think he has a lot of technique, but no feeling, so he's boring :p
Ok guys... I'm gonna say something now that's gonna put me right out of the TRUE ranking orders... so if you have anything to throw at me, please do so now :rolleyes:


*takes deep breath*


Brian May is possibly the best guitarist I've heard

*runs for the closed window and proceeds to dive through it, landing in a convertable car outside with a bumper sticker that reads "I am Dani Filth", and drives off* :erk: