Who is your Album of 2007 ?

Well DT used to be my favorite band also, but I personally despised ToT, and when I saw them in April '04 and they played all of ToT but NEGLECTED METROPOLIS I OR LEARNING TO LIVE ARRRGGHH that's when I really forsook them; I didn't even give Octavarium a chance, and all I've heard of Systematic Chaos was "Constant Motion," which I'm definitely not a fan of. Oh well...
I never thought of Awake as 'cheesy 80s style' - IaW I can see, but Awake seemed like such a gigantic leap forward I couldn't place it as 80s-ish if I wanted to.

I never thought of Awake as 'cheesy 80s style' - IaW I can see, but Awake seemed like such a gigantic leap forward I couldn't place it as 80s-ish if I wanted to.


ya but it had those "colorful" moments. perhaps my grammatical choices are off but you know what i mean. the "shimmering" clean chords in songs like erotomania and innocene faded and the "big chorus" in caught in a web. stuff like that.
systematic chaos lacked the artistic creativity and organic juice that they have had on other albums. they are trying to be somethign they are not. with train of thought the aimed to be heavy and they did in tastefully in their own style. SC was them kind of stepping out of their shoes and heading in a totally new "feel" its hard to put into words, i just feel like its truly cheesy and tasteless. it's very forced and there is nothing that really stands out aside form several moments. noce again im not saying they were only good in the early 90's because they have great albums except this one. don't forget their masterpiece scenes from a memory was in 1999 and i did say i totally love train of thought.
you state that like it's fact... but it's your opinion... i hear plenty of "artistic creativity" and "organic juice" on Systematic Chaos. it's a matter of taste, not fact. and man, that snare on IAW sure doesn't sound too organic to me.

Picked up the newest Paradise Lost today, "In Requiem"... pretty cool so far... nice mix by Mike Fraser. Also bought the McLaughlin, Pastorius, Williams CD, "Trio Of Doom", but haven't listened yet. Obviously its's an old recording with Tony Williams and, especially Jaco playing on it... made up of a 1979 live show and a single studio session from the same time period.
you state that like it's fact... but it's your opinion... i hear plenty of "artistic creativity" and "organic juice" on Systematic Chaos. it's a matter of taste, not fact. and man, that snare on IAW sure doesn't sound too organic to me.

no of course it's opinion. its just mine. but hey to each his own. and james im not talking really along the lines of production cuz IAW and awake def have some serious 80's drum samples going on but i meant the music itself. SC has a decent mix. everythign sounds weird which makes it intresting to listen to. the 5.1 mix i have is pretty cool actually one of the better 5.1 mixes very enjoyable and balanced. it sounds good on the bose 5.1 system in my car which is like my test system for everything.
Did you like Fear Factory? I can't imagine someone liking FF but not DH.

*me raises hand swiftly*

Divine Heresy is ridiculously crappy and the clean vocals of Vext don't have a match to stand up to Burton's vocals in his hey-days. The riffs Dino does are too happy sounding and dull. I do like the drummer and his stuff, but other than that I can't figure up one single good thing about the P.O.S. album.

Not that Transgression was any better. I really hope Chris and Ray can somehow do good stuff once more. Archetype was a decent return, but maybe a bit too much a Demanufacture-wannabe to really be an amazing album. I guess they're in the same situation as Soilwork was for me before Sworn.. - that is, it's a do or die album, and Soilwork fell. I hope FF doesn't.

I've been listening to FF for 10 years now, and they still haven't topped SOANM, Demanu and Remanu for me. Those three represent the artistic peak of FF to me.

Im loving Daath - The Hinderers atm but this is a 2005 album right?

Released March 20, 2007

I guess Akercocke's Antichrist and Muni Waste's Art of Partying, but it's not like those are on constant rotation.

I need to delve into Dekapitator's Calm Before the Storm still, and BTBAM's colors, and the new Hearse (which I have a feeling I will like). I also know I'll dig my buddies in Deadsea's new one: http://www.myspace.com/deadsea Did Darkthrone release FOAD in 2007? I need to listen to it. Oh, and I think Sodom had a new one - I need to check that out too. Shit, and Obsession's Carnival of Lies and the new Pig Destroyer. Can I get back to you in 2010?

I think I've been sort of "meh" to most stuff I've heard:

-Didn't dig Evile like I thought I would, too copycat and bland.

-Didn't dig Legion of the Damned's - boring and no solos.

-Nile's new one didn't stick with me, just kinda there.

-Had hopes for The Blackening, but sadly, I only like their cover of Battery, and I was surprised they "borrowed" the main riff from Technocracy's How We Die in the first song (did they run outta riffs or something?).
*me raises hand swiftly*

Divine Heresy is ridiculously crappy and the clean vocals of Vext don't have a match to stand up to Burton's vocals in his hey-days. The riffs Dino does are too happy sounding and dull. I do like the drummer and his stuff, but other than that I can't figure up one single good thing about the P.O.S. album.

Not that Transgression was any better. I really hope Chris and Ray can somehow do good stuff once more. Archetype was a decent return, but maybe a bit too much a Demanufacture-wannabe to really be an amazing album. I guess they're in the same situation as Soilwork was for me before Sworn.. - that is, it's a do or die album, and Soilwork fell. I hope FF doesn't.

I've been listening to FF for 10 years now, and they still haven't topped SOANM, Demanu and Remanu for me. Those three represent the artistic peak of FF to me.

What Tornio said kinda sums it up yeah.. allthough i like the first FF the best, more grind hahha
saying that Soilwork "fell" or "failed" with STAGD is an opinion... i have no problems with opinions, nobody does.. we all have them... but you guys state yours as if they are facts, written in stone and obvious for all to see. And that's ridiculous, because quite clearly you can see just by reading all the replies on this thread that STAGD is a favorite of many on here. i also think it is quite good.... that's my opinion. stating your own feelings about that album without qualifying it as your opinion is just a bit obnoxious i think.
I did comment on the album earlier in this thread. It isn't as good as their previous albums were and all the songs seem like dull copies of their own songs. The verse riffs are flat and the choruses are generic. Far away from their previous grandeur, excitement and inventiveness. Not to mention the guitar solos and melodies/harmonies. It doesn't sound like Soilwork to me anymore. That's why they "fell". They no longer possess the qualities that made me listen to them originally.

Just because most people like something, doesn't mean that you have to like it too.
Damn good year for music, some of my top picks:

Scarve - The Undercurrent (WHY has no one mentioned this!?)
Beneath the Massacre - Mechanics of Dysfunction
Ion Dissonance - Minus the Herd
Dillinger Escape Plan - Ire Works
Dimension Zero - He Who Shall Not Bleed

I could write like 15 more of the top of my head...
I would like to add Candlemass's King of the Grey Islands on my list. Why didn't you guys tell me Rob Lowe's voice is GOLD, Jerry, pure GOLD?
Eyeless - the game of fear (check it out : www.myspace.com/eyeless)
Down - 3 : over the under
Alabama thunderpussy - open fire
Animosity - animal
The black dahlia murder - nocturnal
Bloodsimple - red harvest
Wisdom in chains - class war

overrated record of the year : machine head - the blackening

slight disappointments (bands i dig, good album but not as "awesome" as expected) : last chimaira, last nile

disappointment : hatesphere - serpent smile and killer eyes (not that bad but quite disappointing compared to their previous releases), aborted - the chondric enigma

huge disappointment : last Queens of the stone age album (SUCKS ! )