who is your favorite metal drummer?

You know, I'm kinda surprised Martín López of Opeth is hardly getting any mention here. No, I would not consider him the fastest and probably not the most skilled either--but for having one heck of a distinctive style, versatility, and a sense of rhythm, I think he belongs on the list. I mean, even though Damnation's not in a metal style, I love what he does there...and he's just as successful playing the really heavy stuff, too.
As someone who recently saw Flo perform in person, all of you who say he isn't among the best in the business are simply fools. Unless you've listened to Cryptopsy's material and seen a lot of his work, you really have no basis to judge him because he's simply a monster behind the kit....and for some reason I doubt many on the SymX board are into a band as brutal as Cryptopsy enough to really know his work :)
Metropolis Part 2 said:
Flo is not really one of the best Metal drummers, I mean there are some here that just ANNIHILATE HIM.

Jason Rullo
Ed Warby
Johan Langell
Mike Portnoy
Scott Rockenfield
Virgil Donati
and of course if you consider the ULTIMATE DRUMMER NEIL PEART metal.

You're comparing drummers of VERY different styles/techniques. Its not really fair. Scott Rockenfield? I still have not heard anything by him that made him stand out at me other than generic to be honest. Anything else he do besides Queensryche?
dargormudshark said:
I know I am going to get creamed for saying this but.....What is the big deal about Portnoy??? DT is one of my faves and Portnoy is awesome...but I don't know if I would consider him the best

I don't get this one either. He never comes to mind as a truly good metal drummer like my other favorites...and I'm no complete DT hater, either.
Met Pt 2 said:
Its because Mike Portnoy is one of the best rhythmn drummers ever, hes not much of a shower like Virgil or Bobby Jarz, but he gets the job done.

Portnoy is such a shower-offer.

joeshabadoo said:
Plus most people who use blast beats don't learn the proper technique and end up doing serious damage to their joints and muscles rather quickly

Huh? Explain, please.
soulshred said:
Flo is actually playing very interesting and good rhytems there but its not easy to pick them up because he plays them so fast and some stuff ddoesnt sound as cool as when the are played slower and usually even metal drummers dont play that fast altough they can because sometimes it soundsd silly.Flo actually has a very good touch but even if he didnt, I agree with Yngvai X musicians shiolud be apreciated for what they are good at.And the concept of that video is technique so it doesnt has to be annything very interesting anyway

My drum machine has good technique too. Just because someone has good technique does not mean I qualify them as one of the best metal drummers or one of my favorites. That takes a mix of both technical prowess and musical appeal. I didn't even say that he's not a talented drummer technically, just that in my opinion, judging by the clip given, he wasn't anything special.

And to be perfectly honest, I find the concept of "best" or "favorite" musicians to be completely pointless. Granted, there are certain musicians that I tend to prefer to others in certain situations, but how do I pick one favorite? Everybody that I listen to has something unique to offer, and I can't eliminate them one by one. Some excel in certain categories while failing in comparison to the "competition" in other categories. It's all good music in the end...if it's not, then I'm not listening anyways.
Portnoy is my favourite, he seems to play the drums more like an instrument rather than a metronome, really chooses each beat carefully and is constantly interesting. DT is one of the only bands i pay real close attention to the drums on
I'm no drummer but i definatly havent noticed any sloppyness...infact he usually seems crazily tight to me. Some well respected drummer (can't remember who) said boudkan was probably the greatest live recorded drum performance of all time.
While he stays on rhythm, what Portnoy does that's irritating is he just has kinda poor judgment sometimes in what to play and what NOT to play.
DoktorShred said:
I'm no drummer but i definatly havent noticed any sloppyness...infact he usually seems crazily tight to me. Some well respected drummer (can't remember who) said boudkan was probably the greatest live recorded drum performance of all time.

Some well respected drummer just lost my respect if he said that. Portnoy and "greatest live recorded drum performance of all time" don't belong in the same sentence together, especially considering people like Vinnie Colaiuta and Dennis Chambers exist, and I'm sure Portnoy would even agree with me.

Dennis Chambers: http://www.drummerworld.com/Videos/dennischambersclinic.html

Vinnie Colaiuta: http://www.drummerworld.com/Videos/vinniecolaiutaWB.html

I don't necessarily dislike Portnoy (even though its the trend for progmetal elitists to badmouth anything associated with Dream Theater these days) but I think he's incredibly overrated, even within the metal genre. Some of his fills are pretty cool sounding, but he's extremely flashy, too flashy I think...but a lot of Dream Theater fans seem perpetually stuck in the mindset that being able to play in constantly shuffling odd time signatures is the be all and end all of drumming prowess.

And for those who didn't like Flo...this here's Mike Terrana, who's my favorite drummer in metal:


He plays in Rage and also has a fusion band called Taboo Voodoo with Cyril Achard and Franck Hermanny from Adagio, as well as tons of guest apperances (a recent notible one was on Kiko Loureiro's solo album).
flo mounier is the man... he can beat any of your metal drummeres, even portnoy

he plays jazz and death metal, just watch a video of his solos, the videos that have been posted really suck, try and find something in kazaa, you will be amazed
Yngvai X said:
(even though its the trend for progmetal elitists to badmouth anything associated with Dream Theater these days)

Just for the record, that's not why I said what I said. Ask me about LaBrie, Myung, Moore, or Petrucci and I'll actually be very nice. It's only Rudess and (sometimes) Portnoy that draw my wrath. :p
--any of the drummers of Death
--Aquiles Priester
--Jason Rullo
--Mike Mangini(at times..loved him in Tim Donahue's newest album though)
--the drummer of Kamelot
--Andreas Lill(the drumwork in "Free the Fire" is nothing short of amazing)
--Dave Lombardo

a lot more others i cant remember right off the bat..
Why does every "favorite musician" thread ends in a debate between DT haters-lovers?

My favorites drummers:

1.- Bill Ward (my absolute favorite!!!)
In no order
Nicko Mcbrian
Jason Rullo
Mike Portnoy
John Bonham
Jeff Campitelli
Yoshiki (from X Japan)

Maybe they're far from the best, but God, I enjoy listen to them playing :rock: