Who likes big fucking guns?

That is damn sweet. I can get that if I ever get Barrets 50bmg rifle and just get it as a conversion kit and swap back and forth. Thats gotta cost alot to feed.
That's got to be one of those firearms like the 50.
Where after you buy it you get a visit from A.T.F. checking to see why you bought it and how you plan to use it.....I DEFINETLY would want one

AKduff said:
That is damn sweet. I can get that if I ever get Barrets 50bmg rifle and just get it as a conversion kit and swap back and forth. Thats gotta cost alot to feed.
"Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them. This is a silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's OK to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour or they're from a different place." - Hillary Clinton

Beware of Hillary once she has bought one...
Firearms like the Barret rifles are harder to get a hold of because of the limitted companies that make them and their high quality and size.

While firearms like the Barrets are big they are part of a hobby for many Americans. I would like to have a .50 BMG because of the distance it is accurate to.

I prefer the ComBloc firearms but would love to add some high quality to my collection.

There are times when loading up going to the range is a good time had by all, and even if it is just paper targets I can spend hours out just seeing how acuratly I can get in the black. Reactive targets are fun too. It takes training and disipline to shoot well even more to shoot great. It takes more than pink panties to be a great shot.

I feel safer owning a Glock and knowwing I am a responsable gun owner even though I have bad spelling and grammer.

IOfTheStorm read the rules of engangement again and have a nice day.

Bag check the stats for death for the USA you are more likely to die from seeing the doctor then from a gunshot. Have a nice day.
Bag check the stats for death for the USA you are more likely to die from seeing the doctor then from a gunshot. Have a nice day.
Still doesn't change the fact that the death rate from guns is more than 8x per 100,000 people in the States than it is in Canada.
What are the odds of dieing in Canada by not being able to be treated by a doctor is greater than, dieing by a bullet in the USA. My step uncle died while on a waiting list because of Canadas wonderful health system.

Ild like to see the source of your stats and the actual statistics involved, for my own information. Thanks.
Maybe we should get outlaw knives, pencils, shovels, forks, household chemicals and any object that could kill someone too:Smug: Seriously, I have never shot a gun in my life nor do I really care to(thats my preferance). If you don't like guns...fine..Do what I do and stay away from them. Nobody has ever forced me to shoot one. That being said I know plenty of responsible gun owners(my dad has plenty of guns) and to quote one our regular poster's here T-Man, "has a gun ever jumped up off a table and shot anyone?" NO. People shoot other people, not guns.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Maybe we should get outlaw knives, pencils, shovels, forks, household chemicals and any object that could kill someone too
Seriously, I have never shot a gun in my life nor do I really care to(thats my preferance). If you don't like guns...fine..Do what I do and stay away from them. Nobody has ever forced me to shoot one. That being said I know plenty of responsible gun owners(my dad has plenty of guns) and to quote one our regular poster's here T-Man, "has a gun ever jumped up off a table and shot anyone?" NO. People shoot other people, not guns.

Exactly. If people dont have guns and they want to kill someone, they will find a way, either with a knife, a stick or their bare hands.

The Failed Experiment: Gun Control and Public Safety in Canada, Australia, England and Wales,

The contrast between the criminal violence rates in the United States and in Canada is dramatic. Over the past decade, the rate of violent crime in Canada has increased while in the United States the violent crime rate has plummeted. The homicide rate is dropping faster in the US than in Canada....
OK. Here's the stats:

Murders with Firearms per 100,000 people

U.S. 4.4
Canada .23

Source: Statistics compiled from Centre for Justice Statistics; FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Data, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada Homicide Survey; Research and Statistics Division Department of Justice (Kwing Hung) June 2001

An interesting article:

Sharp drop in Gun Crime Follows Tough Australian Firearm Laws

The top states for murders per 100,000:

Louisiana 17.5
Mississippi 11.1
Alabama 10.4
Tennessee 9.5
South Carolina 9.0

All Southern States with some of the most liberal gun laws. You don't see any correlation between the top 5 murder states and the fact they are all gun-toting Southern States??

South Leads Nation in Gun Murders

Also interesting is that Wisconsin's Violent Crime Rate (a state with no death penalty and stricter gun laws) is less than half of that of Texas.
I forgot Michael Moore tried the same numbers manipulation.

WIs population is dramaticly smaller than TXs, but that has nothing to do with your point either.

None of my firearms has ever shot anybody. By your logic the more I buy the lower the gun crime rate will be.

Who about the other stat I asked for Bag? Or should I say aboot?
But how many are shot in "hunting accidents" in Canada. After have a Statistics class I've learned how stats are easily manipulated. Don't believe them one way or another.

What I do know to be true is that my little .22 pistol WILL stop some motherfucker dead in his tracks.
That is a pimp ass little grenade launcher. Some stryker vehicles can be outfitted with those. They are also easily removed to throw on the ground and fire off a few airburst grenades and some crazy muslims.
I remember an economist referring to stat manupulation using the per capita numbers, I cant find it so Im going to concede that point.

The number of homicides in Canada involving firearms are about 26% of all homocides that year. Check the rates of homocides not involving firearms in areas that have strict control policies in place, in general they are statisticly higher.

The number of firearm related fatalities for the US is a rather small number considering the millions of gun owners and even more guns.