Favorite games...RPG...Sports...PC...Console

Originally posted by rabies
Ack..I missed your post about playing EC. Sorry..did not get a chance to play this weekend..I won't be able to tonight as well...and actually...you may want to try 1v1 vs the comp. They did not make the AI easy to beat. He can micro his units like mad..and he can build like a madman. If you can consistantly beat him, you can be considered better than the avg wc3 player. Most likely, the first time..you will lose..and lose badly. (a 1v1 custom game..not the single player missions).

Hyde..felt bad about being killed as the undead? LOL..wait till you see what the game has in store for you!

nefilim...does this work on a psx2? And where would i get these games?

Virus..Dungeon Siege was awesome. We spent about a month playing that multi-player online....then warcraft 3 came out. ;)

Age of Empires..good game. You guys know that Age of Mythology will be out any day now right? Woot! :grin:

No sweat Rabs, actually, I didn't get the time either and was just sitting down to write you to say sorry that I missed you! :lol:

I probably will play some 1v1 vs. the cpu first. That's usually alot faster paced game than the campaign missions, and it will give me a chance to learn the maps a bit.

In any case, when I do jump on Bnet, I'll post here and I'll also keep an eye out for you. :cool:
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
I'm on the part with Mal'Ganis where I have to destroy the infected people before he can possess 100 of them. I can't get my troops to attack the infected people while they are sleeping and it's costing me too much time.
I am having a lot of fun though.:)

I had the same problem, but realized that you need to use the attack button [A] on the keyboard to make them attack. You can't just right click them as usual. You can use the same technique to make your troops attack thier own peons, etc.

Like Rabies said, it'll just take you a bit more time to learn if you've never played this sort of real-time-strategy game before. I've played Warcraft 1, 2, (and now) 3, Starcraft, Age of Empires, and the older Dune games from Westwood that sorta started them all.

They're all fairly similar so once you're used to them, each one feels a little easier. Since you've never gotten into these sorts of games before, you'll just need to be a bit more patient until you get used to it. :cool:

If you think you like War3, then you might want to go out and grab some of the older ones, like Starcraft. IMO, it's the best ever and you can get it dirt cheap now bundled with it's expansion pack, Brood War. Even though it's a little older, I highly recommend it. :rock:
I would recommend the starcraft pack as well. Quite possibly the best RTS game ever created. Its also by blizzard..and even those of us now playing WC3 debate over which is the better game.

...and on that mission, may I suggest make it a priority to kill Mal'Ganis every chance you get. Focus fire on him with all your troops (make sure you hero don't die).

When you kill him, he goes away for..I dunno..2 minutes or so..there will be a timer in the top right. Then he resurrects ...at which point you bee-line to him again, kill him, and continue racking up your kill count at your leisure. :grin:
Wheeeee!!!!:) Got him...barely. Thanks Ec.

Kill him twice???:eek: Not with my skill level.:lol:

I'm struggling getting the control of my troops down, but I can only get better!:lol:
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
Wheeeee!!!!:) Got him...barely. Thanks Ec.

Kill him twice???:eek: Not with my skill level.:lol:

I'm struggling getting the control of my troops down, but I can only get better!:lol:

Glad you got it, Mr Hyde! :cool:

Learning quick, efficient ways to group and control your troops is really the secret to the RTS (Real Time Strategy) games. Learn to use the keyboard commands as quickly as possible.

Also, learn to instinctively build the structures and troops you need first very fast. When playing 1v1 vs the cpu (non-campaign map) or vs. a human opponent, every second counts and most players who lose often are losing because they make a bad move or waste time in the first five minutes or so. Use the campaigns to learn the game, but be prepared to do it much faster in other games. Don't let the campaigns lull you into a bad habit of taking too much time to decide what to do. You just won't have the same amount of time in the multiplayer games. :cool:

I only give that advice because it's a bad habit of mine.... :(
Glad you are diggin it Hyde. You probably never played WC1 and WC2, so you are missing the whole history behind the story...but I think it is a fairly solid tale alone with no previous knowledge. Just know that the ORCs and Humans have been fighting forever...the orcs having come from another planet through a dimensional gate to the world the Humans inhabit in an effort to conquer it. The humans obviously did not let that happen as fast as the orcs had hoped. The first 2 games was only orcs vs humans.

..and get comfortable with the game..but EC is right. Hotkeys are the difference between an ok player from a good one. Once you get to a high level of proficiency, you will manage and micro your army the whole time and manage your base through hot keys.

online, against other humans..I focus my screen on my army and what it is doing..and without taking the focus on the army, I can tell my base to make 2 more knights from my 2 barracks, and upgrade the attack attack skill in my blacksmith, and research dispel for my priests in my arcane sanctum. In other words, after the first 3-4 minutes where you can only look at your base, I almost never look at my base again. I make it function completely remotely...meanwhile...you gotta be telling your priests in the back to dispel the undead skeletons, and run your hero around to avoid the focused fire of the enemy ghouls and necros and tell you sorcs to polymorph their aboms or frostwyrms...etc.... :grin:
Rabies: Yeah, it should work on the ps2, as long as you have a chip installed for playing burnt games. The games can be found on various NES-sites around the net, or you can just get them of the ftp (I've put 120 or so up there). Then just check the homepage http://imbnes.gamebase.ca and read the instructions on how to do there. My burnt disc works ok, it has some bootup problems from time to time, but mostly it starts up fine, so I am very pleased :). And the games are absolutely awesome!