Who Mods this board and why was my thread deleted?

Maybe if you'd had something constructive to say, the thread would've survived. But starting your thread by declaring the board to be weak and the people here to be idiots doesn't exactly qualify as anything other than garbage. Don't like a band? Tell us why then, in calm terms, not insults and empty accusations.
I thought I DID say why I didn't like the bands I listed. And I don't remember saying that everyone on the board were idiots, but if any of you are running for the position- you have my vote!!!

I can't remember everything in my last deleted post, the doctor says not to drink alchohol on my meds but it makes such pretty pictures...

Anyway, this board moves.........at........ a.... snail's...................pace.

In the calmest terms I can muster- POS is the only band on this label that amazes me. Threshold, Enchant, Event, OSI... good Lord, I am falling asleep just righting their names. And Symphony X? What comes after x in the alphabet? Y! Yngwie!! I got sick of Malmsteen right after Rising Force for crying out loud. Who needs a shred-clone band like that anyway?

My point was, is and will always be- there aren't enough labels out there like this that have the ability to promote and develop amazing music and they are wasting their time on a bunch of no-talent looser hacks half the time, trying to relive the glory of the 80's prog bands. Rehashed trash. I am desperate for something that breaks NEW ground. Tell me what I am missing here. Please oh, please Lady of the Orifice shine your light of wisdom on my stupidity!
See this is why your post was deleted. You have nothing constructive to say. Get used to being erased.
You have to chill out dude, I deleted one already because you have no manners. If you want to get people riled up find a kinder way of going about it. Just as you don't want people coming in spamming and running and what have you, we don't want you coming in and attacking people's character or certain music. Be constructive with your posts instead of destructive, and with a little class.