Just like Fox News...

So is climbing a hill so high that the ball would melt because in reality it would get colder as you climb the hill. :lol:
Dreds sig: Did you ever hear the story of Icarus, who continually rolled the ball up the hill, but when he got too close, the ball melted in the heat of the Sun? You're all like Icarus.

Icarus had wings from wax and he flew too close to the sun and they melted, where the hell did this ball story come from?

Yeah, Dred, that sig is totally wrong

^i was thinking the same thing but, didn't feel like pointing it out

edit: postjumped but whateva


Attention campers. Lunch has been cancelled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.
Icarus is a myth, just the same as Easop's fables, the story that everyone has known about is the wax wings one, and that's the point. That Icarus ignored his father, was too ambitious and reckless and flew too close to the sun.

A wax ball is irrelevent.
2 mods fucked up, 1 was man enough to admit he had some flaws, taught me something in the process and made an agreement to try to put forth more of an effort to be unbiased. The other couldn't say 'Hey I accidentally deleted the thread permanently over some stuff that happened a few days ago, my bad' he said 'I don't give a fuck about this place, I do what I want and if you don't like it, leave. You're all whiners and suck in real life.' The third mod lives in Kazakhstan.

Ouch, bro if you need some counseling I'm here for you. Though i do have to inform you, i am a registered bro-raper along the east cost of North America, South America and they randomly threw in Kyrgyzstan. I don't know why that had to make places up.
Do you see what i mean now nick?

*clears throat*

the only time i get in arguments here or at the nevermore boards is when you, or josh or altitudes or shredtastical lash out at me because i say something pro-conservative or when i make a joke about arguing with you and you call me a troll so then, i defend myself and then josh and you pop back in and call me "racist redneck idiot" and then i try to get back on topic and protect what i said and then along with you and josh, shred and altitudes also pop in and also proceed to call me a "racist redneck idiot"

btw, did altitudes really stop posting?

you're really still butthurt over that one political debate thread? :lol:

that's actually the only time i've ever made any statements to you, directly. it really hasn't been worth my time otherwise.

i want to argue the point of why he's not that bad but, it's much easier to say face to face than trying to say it on a forum with 6 people calling me an idiot and then calling me a fag for not responding to what they said :lol:

no, when you argue, you suck Palin cock and just "stick to the talking points," instead of actually responding to what was said.
STFU shred, if there's one person on this forum i don't like it's you. oh and i don't respond to what you say because all you do is say exactly what joe and josh are saying while calling me a racist redneck. if you want to get an intelligent response from somebody, don't be a dick
STFU shred, if there's one person on this forum i don't like it's you. oh and i don't respond to what you say because all you do is say exactly what joe and josh are saying while calling me a racist redneck. if you want to get an intelligent response from somebody, don't be a dick


and you're a typical narrow minded, dimwitted, blind, ignorant... wait, we have opposite views and couldn't picture the other person being right in any way so... what the fuck is name calling going to accomplish? nothing, which is why i cannot stand debating a topic with you, you resort to name calling, you're immature, and i think you're just as ignorant as you think i am.

once again, i don't like mccain, but i'd rather him win the election than obama. and i could give a shit less if obama was black, yellow, or a fucking martian, i make fun of him because i don't agree with him, not because he's a secret muslim...

and congratulations in being a fucking liberal dick. also, why am i illiterate? because i could give a shit less. uninformed? fuck you, i've spent hours researching both candidates and deciding which i preferred. sorry that you'd rather suck obama's cock than try to accept somebody else's opinion as a true and valid opinion of a human being who has different views than you. unintelligent? you're proving how much of a genius you are trying to make people on the internet look smaller than you.

most of that wasn't even directed towards me :Smug:
Some of us can't be bothered to frequent 10 forums. 90%, if not 95% of my posts were all made here. I am as pure as it gets.

100% of my posts have been here, mainly because I'm not interested in other forums, and partly because I don't dare to appear f.e. in the Nevermore forum with my nickname :lol:

Internet is my business... and business is good :D

Municipal Waste fucking rocks :kickass: