Just like Fox News...

I never read the philosophy thread in depth. but ON THE SURFACE, one could not discern her intentions simply by that post. In other words, at first glance, it's harmless to most people. i don't talk with her, so i don't know these insider things you may know.

Yeah, I didn't ever think about that so now I know and I will keep that in mind. The other side of that is before making a decision you should ask around, or allow others to explain things to you and you listen so you can make a good, fair decision. I think that would be awesome. You can see now how reacting to something which you don't have all the facts on is not cool.

P.S. Fuck you I want Quiznos.
This thread is now about sandwiches.

Yeah, I didn't ever think about that so now I know and I will keep that in mind. The other side of that is before making a decision you should ask around, or allow others to explain things to you and you listen so you can make a good, fair decision. I think that would be awesome. You can see now how reacting to something which you don't have all the facts on is not cool.

P.S. Fuck you I want Quiznos.

if i had the time to do all that, maybe I would. i just look on the surface. I see something shitty, I deal with it. I don't have time to go and investigate entire post history's of a user to find out their posting style.
and my sandwich rocks. No onoin. Baked barbeque lays, and a pepsi (mostly diet).
I'm posting once, and will not reply any more.

This is THE SINGLE, #1, numero uno, unequivocal and absolute most pain in the ASS forum on this entire site, bar none. It contains the most whiny, immature, cry baby finger pointing kids (and young adults) I have dealt with since taking over the site in 2004 or whatever it was. It blows my mind how some of you get by day to day in the "real world" as the way many of you act would not (and I say again, WOULD NOT) cut it in face to face real life. I am not directing these comments at any one person, but many.

So, that said, yeah ok, that thread was deleted because cry baby Chris reported it, and he's had issues in the past with some of you harassing him, I wasn't in ANY mood to deal with him, you all, or that thread causing more trouble. Poof see ya later thread, simple as that. Now, I saw Chris's comment about not being able to handle his liquor, I will simply not pay attention to any future request of his, fool me once...

Now, the solution? GROW SOME BALLS folks, start a friggin new thread already. You could have had it up to where it was by now anyhow but instead I'm seeing post after post (wow, deja vu) of wahh wahh mods=fags wahhhhhhh I want to do what I want, leave us alone wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's been so good. Christ almighty some of you I swear......

Get over it, or go start your own forum somewhere where you can do whatever the hell you want and whenever. Believe me, I won't lose any sleep over it (much like anything said recent and about this thread that was deleted).

GROW UP. GTFU!!! That's all.
^He said that the sequence was Chris complained->he wasn't in the mood to discuss so he deleted->then he heard about Chris' liquor thing->decided not to care anymore about what he says->now he doesn't give a shit if you start a new thread like that one. What doesn't make sense in there?

^^:lol: That was pretty clear me thinks.

I still regret I wasn't here when the thread in discussion was created and deleted and stuff. I always miss that stuff man.
I'm posting once, and will not reply any more.

This is THE SINGLE, #1, numero uno, unequivocal and absolute most pain in the ASS forum on this entire site, bar none. It contains the most whiny, immature, cry baby finger pointing kids (and young adults) I have dealt with since taking over the site in 2004 or whatever it was. It blows my mind how some of you get by day to day in the "real world" as the way many of you act would not (and I say again, WOULD NOT) cut it in face to face real life. I am not directing these comments at any one person, but many.

So, that said, yeah ok, that thread was deleted because cry baby Chris reported it, and he's had issues in the past with some of you harassing him, I wasn't in ANY mood to deal with him, you all, or that thread causing more trouble. Poof see ya later thread, simple as that. Now, I saw Chris's comment about not being able to handle his liquor, I will simply not pay attention to any future request of his, fool me once...

Now, the solution? GROW SOME BALLS folks, start a friggin new thread already. You could have had it up to where it was by now anyhow but instead I'm seeing post after post (wow, deja vu) of wahh wahh mods=fags wahhhhhhh I want to do what I want, leave us alone wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's been so good. Christ almighty some of you I swear......

Get over it, or go start your own forum somewhere where you can do whatever the hell you want and whenever. Believe me, I won't lose any sleep over it (much like anything said recent and about this thread that was deleted).

GROW UP. GTFU!!! That's all.

You hit me when I'm on the way out the door... brb dentist :lol:
^He said that the sequence was Chris complained->he wasn't in the mood to discuss so he deleted->then he heard about Chris' liquor thing->decided not to care anymore about what he says->now he doesn't give a shit if you start a new thread like that one. What doesn't make sense in there?

^^:lol: That was pretty clear me thinks.

I still regret I wasn't here when the thread in discussion was created and deleted and stuff. I always miss that stuff man.

That was clear to me too, I got what he meant. But it's like he's saying "I deleted a thread, what is the solution to have it back? Create another one." That doesn't make sense, actually. But YEAH I KNOW that's not what he said.
That was clear to me too, I got what he meant. But it's like he's saying "I deleted a thread, what is the solution to have it back? Create another one." That doesn't make sense, actually. But YEAH I KNOW that's not what he said.

Well, considering he deleted it permanently as Bob said, is the only thing he can do, let us start a new one. He can't bring the old one back.