Just like Fox News...

Mystique does not normally start shit, gonzo baits people into getting into arguments with him, constantly calling them names. Nothing was done about it, because no real harm was done. And, I'm so sick of the "it was a joke" cop out. that's everyone's excuse for everything. it's not gonna fly with me anymore, unless it's blatantly obvious, which the whole "mods=fags" thing, isn't. I've REPEATEDELY told him not to do that, and he completely disregards my request.

Well, despite the fact she doesn't 'start shit', in this instance she did. He did not bait her, insult her, or do anything else except post his pictures. She was within her right to make ANY comment she wanted, negative or positive, and he was entitled to respond with the same freedom, agreed? So I don't see why then he is held to some double standard. I mean I know he has a past here but come on. That doesn't mean he should have to say nothing, especially when the other user starts it.

As far as the 'it's a joke' thing... well bottom line is most of us have known eachother for 1-3 years. We know eachother pretty well and it's obvious to us whether someone is joking based on their personality. A real vicious efight, a sarcastic argument/disagreement, or a harmless joke are all pretty obvious to the regulars. In the RARE occurrence when a new member is involved then I could see some kind of intervention be valid.
I have raised some good points I would like to have addressed, and I do agree with Bob 100%. Those reports are told to him in confidence, giving out their names will only cause more bullshit and give those users trouble. But I hope Bob has taken into account who those users are, how their personality is and what their motives for complaining might be.
Uh, re-read my post please. I didn't say I wanted those comments removed. I said I'd prefer those kinds of posts are left ALL the time, and that there was no mod intervention. I said it's a bit hypocritical to leave a flame war like that and then deleted other harmless discussions like what has been going on the past few days.

And besides, just because you think I am an unsavourey user doesn't mean that (hypothetical) attacks against me should be left alone for others to see. The flame wars are deleted to stop bullshit from building and getting out of hand, to delete some and leave others defeats the point, no?

Well, I figured there might have been others but, you know there was an option to voice your opinion and say you did not want to participate. No one said "Oh leave my name out of this" and then had there name added anyways and slandered. If you took that thread seriously, then you shouldn't be on this or ANY forum in the first place. It was purely for humour, and everyone who did want to be a part of it had a lot of fun. Why does a decision that determines what is good for the majority of users based on the gripes of a few sour people?

Yes, some flame wars are more harmful then others. i can see everything on this forum, i don't read every post here. If i run into it in casual posting, i'll decided how harmful it is, and take appropriate action. will i get it right EVERY TIME: No, but it's not as easy as you like to think. i have to leave my dislike for certain posters at the door, which i try and do my very best at. sometimes it gets the better of me, most times it doesn't.

BotFM was just a bad idea from the start. yeah, you can put up all kinds of precautions and whatnot, but in reality that doesn't do anything.
Well, despite the fact she doesn't 'start shit', in this instance she did. He did not bait her, insult her, or do anything else except post his pictures. She was within her right to make ANY comment she wanted, negative or positive, and he was entitled to respond with the same freedom, agreed? So I don't see why then he is held to some double standard. I mean I know he has a past here but come on. That doesn't mean he should have to say nothing, especially when the other user starts it.

As far as the 'it's a joke' thing... well bottom line is most of us have known eachother for 1-3 years. We know eachother pretty well and it's obvious to us whether someone is joking based on their personality. A real vicious efight, a sarcastic argument/disagreement, or a harmless joke are all pretty obvious to the regulars. In the RARE occurrence when a new member is involved then I could see some kind of intervention be valid.

a person cannot be 100% unbiased 100% of the time. it's impossible. gonzo has a history here, so he is under greater scrutiny. it's a week, seriously. if you can't take a vacation from this place for a week and be okay, you have problems. he'll be back, and you two can go back to being BFF's and all that.
Yes, some flame wars are more harmful then others. i can see everything on this forum, i don't read every post here. If i run into it in casual posting, i'll decided how harmful it is, and take appropriate action. will i get it right EVERY TIME: No, but it's not as easy as you like to think. i have to leave my dislike for certain posters at the door, which i try and do my very best at. sometimes it gets the better of me, most times it doesn't.
Well I think that it is a tough job to be fair when you don't like someone. Did Gonzo get the shitty end of the stick, maybe. But when people get banned, threads are removed and posts are removed without any reason, it makes people angry and wonder what the fuck is going on. Even if you don't get it right, at least explain why you took that action. Every mod on other forums I frequent will give a reason, or edit a post and put it in. Not saying you have to every time that would be time consuming but you know, like what happened the other day, was a bit unnecessary. I don't think it was you though.

BotFM was just a bad idea from the start. yeah, you can put up all kinds of precautions and whatnot, but in reality that doesn't do anything.

I honestly think it was fun. I can totally 100% see where you are coming from but I think it should be up to the users to decide. If the thread was a 100% shitstorm and a mud-slinging contest then yeah but things seemed to be going good and the majority (that is how democracy works right?) enjoyed it. So if we could have it back, that would be great.
a person cannot be 100% unbiased 100% of the time. it's impossible. gonzo has a history here, so he is under greater scrutiny. it's a week, seriously. if you can't take a vacation from this place for a week and be okay, you have problems. he'll be back, and you two can go back to being BFF's and all that.

The point of the thread is not that he is banned, it's the unfair treatment the mods give us. It's very frustrating to be discussing something and have it vanish without reason. And I don't see how your point is valid at all. He is under greater scrutiny, yes, but that being said if some one else baits him (a behaviour you just expressed a distaste for a few posts back) then how is that ok? A guy has 2 strikes and another has none, the guy with none punches the guy with two in the face and when he defends himself he gets life? I dunno man, seems unjust to me and if you were really working as hard as you claim to be unbiased you wouldn't make that kind of statement :p.
For the record the point of this thread wasn't an attack on you, or a direct criticism of how you moderate the forum. It is just the boiling point of a bunch of things that have been going on the past few days.
I honestly think it was fun. I can totally 100% see where you are coming from but I think it should be up to the users to decide. If the thread was a 100% shitstorm and a mud-slinging contest then yeah but things seemed to be going good and the majority (that is how democracy works right?) enjoyed it. So if we could have it back, that would be great.

I'll give you an example of why the BotFM got deleted. You have all the names and numbers up, and someone KILLs someone they don't like, but adds a comment to it. like so:


Those extra comments are what was the downfall of that thread.
Jesus fucking christ, some of you guys need to get over your problem with authority, fucking hippies
if there wasnt anty intervention id probably start flaming at you heartless,cause comon you know it yourself you have said some things i havent liked and or which i dont remember where,and its these simple thing and more so.But i just mind my words cause there will always be people like you who take the chance to make fun of others yet when you feel things arent right yourway then it gets blown out of proportion,but whatever its the internet comon we all are average joes in this playing field and this post wasnt to flame heartless name,but thats the way i really feel about you sorry dude :)
The point of the thread is not that he is banned, it's the unfair treatment the mods give us. It's very frustrating to be discussing something and have it vanish without reason. And I don't see how your point is valid at all. He is under greater scrutiny, yes, but that being said if some one else baits him (a behaviour you just expressed a distaste for a few posts back) then how is that ok? A guy has 2 strikes and another has none, the guy with none punches the guy with two in the face and when he defends himself he gets life? I dunno man, seems unjust to me and if you were really working as hard as you claim to be unbiased you wouldn't make that kind of statement :p.

I will do my best to explain seemingly harmless threads and posts being deleted. okay?

mjystique's post was silly in nature (a person weilding a small stick), and a poke was issued, for sure. gonzo came back with "feel free to suck my cock" and that was not silly in nature (weilding a fucking tree trunk). you have to look at the history of the two posters, the context of the whole post, and all the shit around it. you can't just stick two posts next to each other and analyze them on their own. it's not as easy as you think it is, joe.
Haha, Heartless is that kid in the store, kicking and screaming because the other kid got candy, and he didn't
I'll give you an example of why the BotFM got deleted. You have all the names and numbers up, and someone KILLs someone they don't like, but adds a comment to it. like so:


Those extra comments are what was the downfall of that thread.

Aw, come on! We're not 12 years old!
This. I mean honestly now it's getting a bit ridiculous, like I said, people can CHOOSE to be involved and don't take it SERIOUSLY. It's meant to be entertaining and a joke. The people who want to play, it's entertaining, the people who don't, they're not involved and they're happy... WIN/WIN?

Jesus fucking christ, some of you guys need to get over your problem with authority, fucking hippies
If you've nothing to add to the thread and the goings-on within it, then don't contribute. And if you do please at least read the first posts to get a handle on what the thread is about :lol:
If you've nothing to add to the thread and the goings-on within it, then don't contribute. And if you do please at least read the first posts to get a handle on what the thread is about :lol:

I did read the whole thread, and i think you're wrong and blowing things out of proportion, you KNOW Gonzo was a dick in the past, and why should his record be cleaned 100% every time he's unbanned? I don't care that people get treated differently due to their past, infact, i think thats how it should be done.
This. I mean honestly now it's getting a bit ridiculous, like I said, people can CHOOSE to be involved and don't take it SERIOUSLY. It's meant to be entertaining and a joke. The people who want to play, it's entertaining, the people who don't, they're not involved and they're happy... WIN/WIN?

Like i said, put as many precautions as you want in it, it's not going to change anything. it was doomed from the start, sorry. deal with it. deron deleted it once and for all, not me. take it up with him.
I did read the whole thread, and i think you're wrong and blowing things out of proportion, you KNOW Gonzo was a dick in the past, and why should his record be cleaned 100% every time he's unbanned? I don't care that people get treated differently due to their past, infact, i think thats how it should be done.

im with that