Just like Fox News...

I will do my best to explain seemingly harmless threads and posts being deleted. okay?

mjystique's post was silly in nature (a person weilding a small stick), and a poke was issued, for sure. gonzo came back with "feel free to suck my cock" and that was not silly in nature (weilding a fucking tree trunk). you have to look at the history of the two posters, the context of the whole post, and all the shit around it. you can't just stick two posts next to each other and analyze them on their own. it's not as easy as you think it is, joe.

No, I agree with you. It is difficult, and you don't see every angle which might alter you decision one way or another. I can see how from your point of view her comments were harmless in comparison to his but two things:

-He didn't tell her to suck his cock right away, he first said 'If you like them coo', if not that's fine too' or something to that effect.

-Her comments, while not an outright insult, were designed with the express purpose to aggravate him get that reaction from him.

Now that being said, I still maintain they both had the right to say whatever they wanted. If she wanted to insult his photos and call him gay, that's ok with me, and if he wanted to tell her to shove a tuba up her ass in return, that's fine too, I am not adverse to other opinions :lol:

Btw everyone here should take note that Bob is doing an awesome job right now.

Haha, Heartless is that kid in the store, kicking and screaming because the other kid got candy, and he didn't

Adding so much substance to the first decent discussion here in ages, AWESOME JOB!
And? Why should i? I choose not to, and post about you being a whiney cunt, suck it up man.

nah leave him be muffin there are alot of these people around who dont like being criticised then feel like they are TEH!!! best,yea man joe comon you gotta stop this crap dude
I did read the whole thread, and i think you're wrong and blowing things out of proportion, you KNOW Gonzo was a dick in the past, and why should his record be cleaned 100% every time he's unbanned? I don't care that people get treated differently due to their past, infact, i think thats how it should be done.

You claim to have read the thread but you're not even addressing anything? Come on :rolleyes:

Like i said, put as many precautions as you want in it, it's not going to change anything. it was doomed from the start, sorry. deal with it. deron deleted it once and for all, not me. take it up with him.

True, and if he replies here I will, I wasn't holding you accountable at all I was just saying how I felt. And you're right it can't be perfect but I think it could have been good enough to stay. I don't give a shit it's gone, it's the fact the decision was made for us, against the majority, with no consultation.

im with that

I don't even know you at all. Not saying that should mean your opinion is any less valid, but the fact you post like you're a developmentally challenged 13 year old does. Please don't make me quote anything.
nah leave him be muffin there are alot of these people around who dont like being criticised then feel like they are TEH!!! best,yea man joe comon you gotta stop this crap dude

:lol: I'm not really offended by his words
Joe usually taunts in this way, and it really doesnt get to me anymore, but its fun to taunt back and see where he goes with it this time :p
Haha jsut cause i type my posts without lookin at them doesnt mean im a developmentally challenged 13 year old.please your the one who has more credit with that sig of yours,like your who life story.get over it man haha,with that post i rest my case...jsut proves my point,

the moment other people criticise you,you wanna start a argument,please ive meet too many people of your sad nature

EDIT;but you see i chose not taunt him cause then he feels like a king in his throne and wont let anyone badmouth him,...in a sense what you said about joe being the kid in the candy store muffin
It's mainly due to the general lack of care

Well, in any other thread I would say 'yeah, cool being a dick on the internet and tossing your opinion in anyways is fine' but in this rare case I am hoping to actually get some kind of positive change implemented here so why try to derail that?

Haha jsut cause i type my posts without lookin at them doesnt mean im a developmentally challenged 13 year old.please your the one who has more credit with that sig of yours,like your who life story.get over it man haha,with that post i rest my case...jsut proves my point,

the moment other people criticise you,you wanna start a argument,please ive meet too many people of your sad nature

:lol::lol::lol: I had a good laugh, thanks.
No, I agree with you. It is difficult, and you don't see every angle which might alter you decision one way or another. I can see how from your point of view her comments were harmless in comparison to his but two things:

-He didn't tell her to suck his cock right away, he first said 'If you like them coo', if not that's fine too' or something to that effect.

-Her comments, while not an outright insult, were designed with the express purpose to aggravate him get that reaction from him.

Now that being said, I still maintain they both had the right to say whatever they wanted. If she wanted to insult his photos and call him gay, that's ok with me, and if he wanted to tell her to shove a tuba up her ass in return, that's fine too, I am not adverse to other opinions :lol:

Btw everyone here should take note that Bob is doing an awesome job right now.

Adding so much substance to the first decent discussion here in ages, AWESOME JOB!

Here is the exchange.

Gonzo: Pics
What's with all the modeling attempts? It's like a constant recurrence every time you post pics.
Gonzo:I was modelling this time. My friend is a photographer and he wanted a model to take tons of serious and funny pics. :lol:
Mystique:there is no humor in any of those pics. nice try.
Gonzo: There's also a lack of humor in your pathetic attempt of sarcasm. Sour bitch is sour.
Mystique (to altitudes): nah, I was referring to the ones I quoted. It's like he's trying really hard to look hot or something :lol: that's why I said that modeling stuff.
Gonzo: There were serious and funny pics. If you like them, great! If not, you're always invited to suck my cock.

That's directly copied and pasted. She said he looked like he was modeling, not gay or anything like that. not malicious in ANY way, by any stretch. Then he comes back, and as you can see, was a jerk about it. that's why i said what i said. stop taking his side all the time, he's no saint, but neither are you, or me, or most of the people here.
Haha jsut cause i type my posts without lookin at them doesnt mean im a developmentally challenged 13 year old.please your the one who has more credit with that sig of yours,like your who life story.get over it man haha,with that post i rest my case...jsut proves my point,

the moment other people criticise you,you wanna start a argument,please ive meet too many people of your sad nature

EDIT;but you see i chose not taunt him cause then he feels like a king in his throne and wont let anyone badmouth him,...in a sense what you said about joe being the kid in the candy store muffin

yea lol, your sig is awesome:lol:
Well, in any other thread I would say 'yeah, cool being a dick on the internet and tossing your opinion in anyways is fine' but in this rare case I am hoping to actually get some kind of positive change implemented here so why try to derail that?

I fail to see whats positive
Here is the exchange.

Gonzo: Pics
What's with all the modeling attempts? It's like a constant recurrence every time you post pics.
Gonzo:I was modelling this time. My friend is a photographer and he wanted a model to take tons of serious and funny pics. :lol:
Mystique:there is no humor in any of those pics. nice try.
Gonzo: There's also a lack of humor in your pathetic attempt of sarcasm. Sour bitch is sour.
Mystique (to altitudes): nah, I was referring to the ones I quoted. It's like he's trying really hard to look hot or something :lol: that's why I said that modeling stuff.
Gonzo: There were serious and funny pics. If you like them, great! If not, you're always invited to suck my cock.

That's directly copied and pasted. She said he looked like he was modeling, not gay or anything like that. not malicious in ANY way, by any stretch. Then he comes back, and as you can see, was a jerk about it. that's why i said what i said. stop taking his side all the time, he's no saint, but neither are you, or me, or most of the people here.

They've fought before, in many threads, like the Philosophy thread. She knew what her comment was going to do, it was so obviously said to piss him off, she was just clever and subtle about how she chose to pick a fight. I think everyone could clearly see that she was attacking him in a subtle and sarcastic way. Regardless, you made a judgement call and hey if you feel you didn't make a mistake in light of new evidence, whatever that's on you. I respect what you say. But I have to bring those kind of things to your attention at least so maybe you can reflect on your choice with my help, as you said you don't know everything that goes on nor do I expect you to so a little help from me I don't mind to give.
Well I am here, formally asking for the return of the Battle of the Forum Members thread and for Gonzo to be unbanned. I can see how he thought the BotFM thread could be detrimental, but everyone was having fun and I don't recall and fighting in it, nothing majors anyways. The only person who complained (to my knowledge) apologized the next day and wanted it to be brought back. The thread is FOR FUN. Not serious. If you're in the Hall of Fame, that doesn't make you awesome or popular. If you're in the Hall of Shame that doesn't make you a piece of shit who should slash their wrists. It's strictly for humour. I would love to be in the Hall fo Shame, it's funny. In regards to Gonzo, come on. Bob lashed out at him the other day when SOMEONE ELSE was provoking and insulting him, and now this. It's nonsense, you're better than that to give people that treatment, I know he is a member you don't like but be fair.

I'd also like some kind of public discussion of the current activity by the mods and I'd like to at least in the future, get a reason why posts are deleted when they aren't a flame war.

:lol: I'm not really offended by his words
Joe usually taunts in this way, and it really doesnt get to me anymore, but its fun to taunt back and see where he goes with it this time :p

we never know....:Smug:

EDIT:and please mine was to make fun of the director thats why you see the extra letters in ONLY THE DIRECTORS QUOTES
They've fought before, in many threads, like the Philosophy thread. She knew what her comment was going to do, it was so obviously said to piss him off, she was just clever and subtle about how she chose to pick a fight. I think everyone could clearly see that she was attacking him in a subtle and sarcastic way. Regardless, you made a judgement call and hey if you feel you didn't make a mistake in light of new evidence, whatever that's on you. I respect what you say. But I have to bring those kind of things to your attention at least so maybe you can reflect on your choice with my help, as you said you don't know everything that goes on nor do I expect you to so a little help from me I don't mind to give.

I never read the philosophy thread in depth. but ON THE SURFACE, one could not discern her intentions simply by that post. In other words, at first glance, it's harmless to most people. i don't talk with her, so i don't know these insider things you may know.
I'm fucking hungry, i'm going and getting a big ass blank angus steak sandwich at quizno's.

No you can't have any, and no i won't bring you back anything.
