Just like Fox News...


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
...our mods are fair, balanced and harbour no biased agenda nor do they exhibit and hypocritical behaviour.



(EDIT: I forgot to mention, he was banned for saying Mods = Fags)

Seriously now, things were great while Deron and Bob kept there hand out of things. I mean not so much Bob, but this recent mod interference is really making things shitty again, and reminding me of the way it was a few months ago. Which sucks. This place has been doing well and now these underhanded tactics of the mods are back. If you're going to delete something, give us a reason. Just be fair, and apply the same treatment to everyone. I don't know why you tell us what is fair and what isn't, when 99% of the board agrees with something then that should be left alone. Honestly now.

inb4 I am banned or this thread is deleted (in which case I saved the bbcode and I will repost until we get a decent answer).

P.S. Please learn how to take things IN CONTEXT. He wasn't calling the mods fags, he was asking in a sarcastic way if we're back to the time a few months ago when the mods would erase our posts/threads, ban people and give no (proper) reason for either action. Mods = fags is a reference, not an insult.
Oh dear god....this is going to be ugly.

Well that picture does make a point. I'm mostly just mad because we lost the single most interesting thread in a while BEFORE i was voted to Hall of Shame:lol: I would have liked to see how fast that would have been!

EDIT: I am by no means joining any modfight...just expressing my opinion here. I actually think COBOT had been doing pretty good lately.
Seriously now, things were great while Deron and Bob kept there hand out of things. I mean not so much Bob, but this recent mod interference is really making things shitty again, and reminding me of the way it was a few months ago.


What ever happened to free speech and lack of censorship? I mean, I get that Deron is trying to run a business here, but is deleting/banning people in one particular corner of this enormous webpage really making a positive impact on this site?? If anything, it's going to cause people to leave on their own (SOT anyone?)
Well, I'm hoping this will turn into an open discussion in which Deron will participate and maybe some changes can be made and a resolution can be found. However it may just vanish.
Well, I'm hoping this will turn into an open discussion in which Deron will participate and maybe some changes can be made and a resolution can be found. However it may just vanish.
Likewise, but we'll see. If it stays respectful and honest and openminded, we may *gasp* actually accomplish something here.
Internet is definitely serious business.

Well I am here, formally asking for the return of the Battle of the Forum Members thread and for Gonzo to be unbanned. I can see how he thought the BotFM thread could be detrimental, but everyone was having fun and I don't recall and fighting in it, nothing majors anyways. The only person who complained (to my knowledge) apologized the next day and wanted it to be brought back. The thread is FOR FUN. Not serious. If you're in the Hall of Fame, that doesn't make you awesome or popular. If you're in the Hall of Shame that doesn't make you a piece of shit who should slash their wrists. It's strictly for humour. I would love to be in the Hall fo Shame, it's funny. In regards to Gonzo, come on. Bob lashed out at him the other day when SOMEONE ELSE was provoking and insulting him, and now this. It's nonsense, you're better than that to give people that treatment, I know he is a member you don't like but be fair.

I'd also like some kind of public discussion of the current activity by the mods and I'd like to at least in the future, get a reason why posts are deleted when they aren't a flame war.
Don't beat me up for it but i find it funny it's "unban gonzo" all over again :lol:

I do understand what this thread is for though. It is infact a contact to the mods in a good manner. I hope it get's resolved.
It's not an UNBAN GONZO thread, it's just one of my requests to the moderators to make a step in the right direction. Take my signature for instance. Here you have a guy who makes constantly makes idiotic sarcastic comments. He then makes a rude, veiled insult towards a highly respected member. I give him a taste of his own medicine and he lashes out furiously. It's funny to me, but the fact that A) It was never removed and B) He never got reprimanded is kind of unfair. I would rather NO mod intervention, let Nick or Bob deal with it if the case is we can't figure it out on our own. I don't want to see any posts deleted or users banned but if it;s going to occur, at least be fair and reasonable and apply the same treatment to everyone.
Hands-off except in extreme circumstances is the best policy for a mod IMO. It's not like this is a "family-friendy" bulletin board. It's a metal forum, and an Off-Topic section no less. There's a reason I stay on my side of the fence.
relax, it's only a week. I keep telling him not to, and he continues to do it. it's that simple, you press my buttons, you're going to get slapped, simple as that.
It's not an UNBAN GONZO thread, it's just one of my requests to the moderators to make a step in the right direction. Take my signature for instance. Here you have a guy who makes constantly makes idiotic sarcastic comments. He then makes a rude, veiled insult towards a highly respected member. I give him a taste of his own medicine and he lashes out furiously. It's funny to me, but the fact that A) It was never removed and B) He never got reprimanded is kind of unfair. I would rather NO mod intervention, let Nick or Bob deal with it if the case is we can't figure it out on our own. I don't want to see any posts deleted or users banned but if it;s going to occur, at least be fair and reasonable and apply the same treatment to everyone.

are you really asking someone to take action against a poster who insults you, the person who hurls more insults and sarcastic comments then anyone else here? Pot/kettle. I'm not here to remove insults unless people start complaining about it, I'm here to keep shit in line. The BotFM thread was headed for disaster the moment it started, because, yeah, YOU thought it was fun, but other people didn't (no, not just chris). No, i don't remove everything someone complains about, but that thread was disaster city from the start. you aren't the only person whose opinion matters in this forum, joe. There's a lot of people here who don't share your particular style of humor or satire. i'm here to create an even balance between as many members as possible.
relax, it's only a week. I keep telling him not to, and he continues to do it. it's that simple, you press my buttons, you're going to get slapped, simple as that.

It's not just his ban, it's everything. But I do think you should lift the ban though, he wasn't pressing your buttons, at least not with that comment. Besides you prematurely jumped the gun in the Own Pictures thread when he was being provoked and attacked and blamed him when he didn't do anything. He calls you names at times (things like 'fag'), yes I've seen that. But I think we both know it's a joke. He's not maliciously attacking you at all. He may be bugging you a little with those comments, but you're a person too, just because you're a mod doesn't mean people can't fuck around with you, right?
It's not just his ban, it's everything. But I do think you should lift the ban though, he wasn't pressing your buttons, at least not with that comment. Besides you prematurely jumped the gun in the Own Pictures thread when he was being provoked and attacked and blamed him when he didn't do anything. He calls you names at times (things like 'fag'), yes I've seen that. But I think we both know it's a joke. He's not maliciously attacking you at all. He may be bugging you a little with those comments, but you're a person too, just because you're a mod doesn't mean people can't fuck around with you, right?

Mystique does not normally start shit, gonzo baits people into getting into arguments with him, constantly calling them names. Nothing was done about it, because no real harm was done. And, I'm so sick of the "it was a joke" cop out. that's everyone's excuse for everything. it's not gonna fly with me anymore, unless it's blatantly obvious, which the whole "mods=fags" thing, isn't. I've REPEATEDELY told him not to do that, and he completely disregards my request.
are you really asking someone to take action against a poster who insults you, the person who hurls more insults and sarcastic comments then anyone else here? Pot/kettle. I'm not here to remove insults unless people start complaining about it, I'm here to keep shit in line.

Uh, re-read my post please. I didn't say I wanted those comments removed. I said I'd prefer those kinds of posts are left ALL the time, and that there was no mod intervention. I said it's a bit hypocritical to leave a flame war like that and then deleted other harmless discussions like what has been going on the past few days.

And besides, just because you think I am an unsavourey user doesn't mean that (hypothetical) attacks against me should be left alone for others to see. The flame wars are deleted to stop bullshit from building and getting out of hand, to delete some and leave others defeats the point, no?

The BotFM thread was headed for disaster the moment it started, because, yeah, YOU thought it was fun, but other people didn't (no, not just chris). No, i don't remove everything someone complains about, but that thread was disaster city from the start. you aren't the only person whose opinion matters in this forum, joe. There's a lot of people here who don't share your particular style of humor or satire. i'm here to create an even balance between as many members as possible.

Well, I figured there might have been others but, you know there was an option to voice your opinion and say you did not want to participate. No one said "Oh leave my name out of this" and then had there name added anyways and slandered. If you took that thread seriously, then you shouldn't be on this or ANY forum in the first place. It was purely for humour, and everyone who did want to be a part of it had a lot of fun. Why does a decision that determines what is good for the majority of users based on the gripes of a few sour people?