Who was better: Stevie Ray Vaughan or Jimi Hendrix?

Who was better?

  • SRV

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • Hendrix

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Both were equally talented

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Both sucked

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
are you serious ? Im a Beck fan myself and realize his merits as well, but Im not sure I'd place him above. Hmm ? Thats seems to be a bit of a stumper. A serious weighing of merits to consider on that one.
I guess fanboys can't be cured till they admit they have a problem first lol anyways Einherjar nailed it on the spot when he said that what you like about SRV is he is more technical... no one is debating that SRV is great... but he is by no means the greatest blues man/player there is and is by no means a innovator like Hendrix... SRV was a great improvisationalist but so was Clapton and other blues based players... again... nothing new ,just good or as great as the ones before SRV... what SRV did do is make blues more radio friendly and popular to the general masses... blues purists prefer the old style... non blues fans prefer SRV's style of blues that incorporated a little rockish sound to it... so again you have proven nothing other then you are biased and cannot admit that what you like about SRV over others is he is more technical...
why do you keep insulting me ? I already stated my piece about use of the word fanboy as well as my stance on various blues players and you will not respect that. In fact are working it the opposite way like a child. Now I have some kind of problem as well. What a bunch of bullshit.

"radio friendly"... because he had two charting songs ? How many did Hendrix have ? My statement about why the music world was ready for Vaughan come the mid eighties is spot on... but I recieved no response to that, long forgotten amidst you two ranting about "aw... he was nothing"

technical - I continously stated his grooves, application of feel and all other merits and highlights, yet you also ignore that.

I dont care that someone prefers the primitive stuff, however you two have been asked 3... now 4 times to show us this equally as great and "copied" blues playing. It doesnt take that long, bring us and impress us with some Wolf or whomever. Show and explain how and why they delete SRV from his status.

I know its easier to call me a fanboy and Vaughan a pop copy cat but lets see some earnest effort here.
Hendrix always appealed to me more, ergo my vote for him. That said, I've always liked SRV too.

I have a fairly steady diet of both but material is limited after all these years. I ran KWS "Trouble Is" today, a few great songs on that, but clearly Vaughan inspired and I would guess dedicated as well.
why do you keep insulting me ? I already stated my piece about use of the word fanboy as well as my stance on various blues players and you will not respect that. In fact are working it the opposite way like a child. Now I have some kind of problem as well. What a bunch of bullshit.
No sense of humor... can dish insults out but cries when done to you... ok.. ill stop calling you that since it hurst your feelings and you can't laugh about it... :waah:

"radio friendly"... because he had two charting songs ? How many did Hendrix have ? My statement about why the music world was ready for Vaughan come the mid eighties is spot on... but I recieved no response to that, long forgotten amidst you two ranting about "aw... he was nothing"
who said about charting? I don't know about the area you live in but i hear more then 2 SRV songs on the station i hear all the time... plus i never said SRV "was nothing"... even said it a couple of times he was great or just as great as the past heroes of his and mine...

technical - I continously stated his grooves, application of feel and all other merits and highlights, yet you also ignore that.
I didn't say he didnt have these things just that he's not the only one nor the best of them... just a boogie down "happy style" technical style of blues that was great but no greater then the darker old style of blues... and other blues styles..

I dont care that someone prefers the primitive stuff, however you two have been asked 3... now 4 times to show us this equally as great and "copied" blues playing. It doesnt take that long, bring us and impress us with some Wolf or whomever. Show and explain how and why they delete SRV from his status.
Einherjar has answered you about that and you seem to be blind to it... and i agree with him on everything he has said so i have nothing to add to what he has already said...

I know its easier to call me a fanboy and Vaughan a pop copy cat but lets see some earnest effort here.
It's clearly what you are even though you won't admit it... and SRV did appeal to the masses due to his "poppish" sound and not because he was a innovator of the blues...
I dont care that someone prefers the primitive stuff, however you two have been asked 3... now 4 times to show us this equally as great and "copied" blues playing. It doesnt take that long, bring us and impress us with some Wolf or whomever. Show and explain how and why they delete SRV from his status.

I already told you, no video will impress you. Here though; here's some videos that I enjoy more than SRV.




The first clip is Albert King. Vaughan lifts several licks from that very song.
are you serious ? Im a Beck fan myself and realize his merits as well, but Im not sure I'd place him above. Hmm ? Thats seems to be a bit of a stumper. A serious weighing of merits to consider on that one.

i just think beck tries more stuff
So I like the blues, and you feel I would not be impressed ? I suppose depends on whats what you call impressed. Side by side with SVR, no, but say as an opening act, which is what in reality it was... OK.

I've played those licks too, yet own nor listened to any Albert King until more recent years, self taught, dont learn other peoples music. Is that all Albert King had for licks? Or do I just need to listen to more SRV to find all the hundreds of others ? ... lol

some real twisted riffs, grooves, and rhythm playing there as well, I can see where Vaughan ripped that off as well....

at least after listening to these I can see Vaughan was little more than another Janet Jackson... christ Vaughan didnt even play the "real" blues, how could myself and so many thousands of others be so deaf, dumb and blind ? comes from fanboism I suppose. {Heads off to burn all my Vaughan, Trower and Hendrix CD's, gonna get me some "real blues"... how dare they try something else... or wait I thought they copied... so confused} LOL

Yep, it is good blues.... good classic footage from the early 70's too. I remember those fashions, quite fondly actually.

Thank you Jimi and Stevie for bringin it on home

Mitchells bombastic drumming was no doubt Hendrix's weak spot in live jams, I dont know how he could aviod getting lost.

any questions dial 1-dil-ligaf
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So I like the blues, and you feel I would not be impressed ? I suppose depends on whats what you call impressed. Side by side with SVR, no, but say as an opening act, which is what in reality it was... OK.

I've played those licks too, yet own nor listened to any Albert King until more recent years, self taught, dont learn other peoples music. Is that all Albert King had for licks? Or do I just need to listen to more SRV to find all the hundreds of others ? ... lol

some real twisted riffs, grooves, and rhythm playing there as well, I can see where Vaughan ripped that off as well....

at least after listening to these I can see Vaughan was little more than another Janet Jackson... christ Vaughan didnt even play the "real" blues, how could myself and so many thousands of others be so deaf, dumb and blind ? comes from fanboism I suppose. {Heads off to burn all my Vaughan, Trower and Hendrix CD's, gonna get me some "real blues"... how dare they try something else... or wait I thought they copied... so confused} LOL
Give it up already... your not convincing anyone but yourself... but nice clips anyways
It appears you have given up as you two convinced no one and are highly out numbered. In fact you still havent offered anything with substancial value to disprove that Stevie Ray Vaughan is by far the best Bluesman to ever play the blues.

In fact you still havent offered anything with substancial value to disprove that Stevie Ray Vaughan is by far the best Bluesman to ever play the blues.

I've offered you my opinion, over and over again. That's all I've ever been saying. I could ask you to do the same: "Prove to me that Vaughan was the best bluesman to ever play the blues" (a laughable statement in my opinion). However, you can give me nothing other than your opinion. I've told you many times already why I think Vaughan wasn't the best.

Since I apparently have to spell it out again, here's a list:

Vaughan was fast, technical, and polished. Soulful... sometimes.

The Kings, Johnson, Wolf, etc...?
Slow, dark, very soulful, wondrous voices (better than Vaughan's on any day; Howlin' Wolf had the most badass voice ever), originators, just badass motherfuckers.

That's why I like them better than Vaughan. So don't come back and say "You still haven't proven that Vaughan was worse." To my ears, he is; and that's all I really care about. The original post asked who we thought was better. Personally, Jimi was far more original and impressive.
I was just taking the piss, man. I don't think there IS a "best blues player". Too many guitarists did too many great things with that seemingly "limited" genre of music, so I can't see as to how only one would be the "best".

Great avatar and sig by the way. Dogs is one of my favorite Floyd tunes.
I've offered you my opinion, over and over again. That's all I've ever been saying. I could ask you to do the same: "Prove to me that Vaughan was the best bluesman to ever play the blues" (a laughable statement in my opinion). However, you can give me nothing other than your opinion. I've told you many times already why I think Vaughan wasn't the best.

Since I apparently have to spell it out again, here's a list:

Vaughan was fast, technical, and polished. Soulful... sometimes.

The Kings, Johnson, Wolf, etc...?
Slow, dark, very soulful, wondrous voices (better than Vaughan's on any day; Howlin' Wolf had the most badass voice ever), originators, just badass motherfuckers.

That's why I like them better than Vaughan. So don't come back and say "You still haven proven that Vaughan was worse." To my ears, he is; and that's all I really care about. The original post asked who we thought was better. Personally, Jimi was far more original and impressive.
Einherjar said it best yet again ... you still don't get it Razor:

Your entitled to your own opinions, but your not entitled to your own facts.

Btw David Gilmour is a perfect example of a slow type of player that does not need to be technical to show greatness. He's not a blues player but it's the same idea we been trying to get you to see with the old time blues players.
Btw David Gilmour is a perfect example of a slow type of player that does not need to be technical to show greatness. He's not a blues player but it's the same idea we been trying to get you to see with the old time blues players.

You might not be this extreme, but Gilmour is actually my favorite guitar player ever. I love the slow, epic, emotional playing, and he embodies that ideal. He's like the god of slow, tasteful playing.
I like David Gilmour, I like how he has no bullshit in his guitar playing. I hate it when guitarists fill up solos and songs with unneeded notes.
Gilmore is on my list as well as Carlos and Beck and Satch and Trower and Clapton and Puleo and Knofler and even Leslie West. All excellent feel players. However there is two men that stand apart... want their names ?

you are doing a good job of back peddling now by ignoring the origional issue created by calling Vaughan a pop player, not really a bluesman and not really special, then eventually a rip off artist. There in is where the problem started, it had NOTHING to do with who was perfered it had to do with an attempt to delete Vaughans value as a bluesman.