Who will Headline?

I would love to see Orphaned Land play at a higher slot. That was one band that you could tell had a lot of playing left in them when they closed their set.

Plus, they'd have a new release (which I'm looking forward to hearing what Steven Wilson does in producing them) out by then.

It's been a few years since we've seen SX play, so that would be a good possibility as well.

For as much as I dig POS and Evergrey I think it's time to change up the menu a bit. Lots of other bands from that area to have play. Dimmu Borgir, Satryicon, etc.
For everyone saying Rhapsody, even if it will happen or never happen
:worship: :worship: :worship:

As for Luca, I would love to see him do a tour of the solo stuff, because King of the Nordic Twilight was great!

And for what Braxil said, he pretty much said more or less what Herman did answering my question.
...except for the little boys in nail polish thing. :D

YES YES YES YES YES!!! Wait, we're agreeing on something?!?!?! :lol:

:lol: :headbang:
I'd argue, that PP3 showed they can't hold the stage. By the time they were three songs into their set, two thirds of the people were gone. That may give you extra room to worship the Daniel, but I'm guessing it doesn't make the promoter happy.


Pretty much true. I think that a lot of people that are into PP just aren't into PoS. That said, I think that PoS could draw well and hold peoples attentions at a fest that targets those types of fans.

With that said. After 4 serious metal bands, headliners will always have issues holding onto people. If people are the least bit disinterested, they tend to leave because its late, and they are tired. You go to most shows, and the headliners tend to have the least number of people watching them (besiders perhaps the local opener). Its hard to end the night. There's nobody after you, for people to stay if they aren't into you. So headliners have to expect to be only playing to about 2/3rds of the normal audience.
With that said. After 4 serious metal bands, headliners will always have issues holding onto people. If people are the least bit disinterested, they tend to leave because its late, and they are tired.
100% true. The #4 band will almost always have a larger crowd than the #5 band. The #5 band has to have pretty wide appeal to hold on to 85% of the crowd.

100% true. The #4 band will almost always have a larger crowd than the #5 band. The #5 band has to have pretty wide appeal to hold on to 85% of the crowd.


Since I was on the floor, I couldn't tell. How did Evergrey do this year at holding on to the crowd, given that they are seasoned PP performers - yet, went on very late and played very late?

Personally, I think Nightwish has a great chance of headlining, and since Symphony X is so well-loved here, I could see them as well...

But damnit I want Ayreon!
Nice to see Pain of Salvation getting some love in this thread. I'm going to add to it. I'd say with the new album coming out in January, and a March/Febuary tour going on, and U.S. fans being pissed off that they can't go (coughMEcough), they'd be a good fit.:headbang:
Jon Oliva's Pain could headilne Friday. Be awesome if they did. Though I think Glenn has already decided on the headliners.
Jon Oliva's Pain could headilne Friday. Be awesome if they did. Though I think Glenn has already decided on the headliners.

Jon Oliva's Pain is headlining ProgPower Europe the same weekend as ProgPower USA, as Glenn stated ealier. Also at ProgPower Europe is Circus Maximus. This year for both is going to be interesting as far as who is playing where, but as usual Glenn will bring in the best, as seen by the first three announced.:headbang: :headbang:
Ooops.... Add to my previous list, under the "would be cool, but maybe not as a headliner":

Nocturnal Rites

AMBR, Amorphis are a great band IMO, but they've toured the States fairly recently. Ditto for whoever mentioned Dimmu Burger, although THAT was an awesome headlining show. :kickass:
Jon Oliva's Pain is headlining ProgPower Europe the same weekend as ProgPower USA, as Glenn stated ealier. Also at ProgPower Europe is Circus Maximus. This year for both is going to be interesting as far as who is playing where, but as usual Glenn will bring in the best, as seen by the first three announced.:headbang: :headbang:

So... that leaves Saturday available for Pagan's Mind, Symphony X, and Pain of Salvation. In no particular order.:p
