Who would win in a fight?

Who would win in a fight?

  • Pirates (Arg!!!)

    Votes: 60 51.7%
  • Ninjas (Ninja Star, GO!!)

    Votes: 56 48.3%

  • Total voters
i think pirates would because there tricky and will fight a ninja 20 to 1, and they would take the ninjas women and hold her hostage........... i have too much freetime if im thinking all these variables....:erk: :erk:
MrFast said:
Besides, Ninjas are so freakin awesome in every way! How cool is killing someone without them even noticing they're gonna get/being/are killed?

that isnt cool at all, thats just being a pussy....

Ninjas all the way! Pirates have no strategy when it comes to fighting. They would charge in without thinking. Ninjas are masters of strategy, they would win the fight before the pirates would know what hit them.

First off, ninjas cant even fucking swim, so pirates would just shoot at their faggot asses. Second off, pirates get all the girls, ninjas get none! Third, pirates control global warming, and lastly we have our own drink.

Pirates are highly trained SAILORS, with a little fighting skill on the side.
Ninjas are hihgly trained KILLING MACHINES with a little sailing (possibly) on the side.

Pirates are poofy.
Zygote said:
that isnt cool at all, thats just being a pussy....

First off, ninjas cant even fucking swim, so pirates would just shoot at their faggot asses. Second off, pirates get all the girls, ninjas get none! Third, pirates control global warming, and lastly we have our own drink.


Ninjas can swim -.-' its not like they never could learn sheesh and plus pirates wouldnt fight a ninja, ninjas dont have treasure so what would be the point? unless they had a huge bounty on ther ehead for th eninja to kill them and before the pirate could figure out he is a target he would already feel the blood coming from his neck ^.^
Female Ninja's are hot .. female pirates (if there can be one) would be ugly and pimpley etc.
Ninjas would win because they are superior. They would win even if the pirates were on fire. And riding sharks. That were also on fire. COOL fire!


Sorry, got sidetracked a bit.

Anyways, pirates are filthy and disease-ridden and suffer of a monotonous diet whereas ninjas are training constantly and keep themselves in peak health with a balanced japanese diet. So there.
Pirates would cut ninja heads off and loot china.pirates would round up ninja women and have great sex all night drinking rice wine and sail away with the booty.That's why!!! YEAH!!!
Ninga's can too swim! They just don't like to because it leaves them vulnrable. They love to swim out on a cloudy night and board pirate ships and slit the captain's throat in their sleep. Then set a bomb in the bottom and swim away, until they are a safe distance away, when the bomb explodes and everyone dies as the ship sinks. Yeah, thats right, fools :Smug:
evil miscreant said:
Pirates would cut ninja heads off and loot china.pirates would round up ninja women and have great sex all night drinking rice wine and sail away with the booty.That's why!!! YEAH!!!
o_O .....wow, great explanation....PIRATES WILL PWN NINJAS( and ninja women, apparently)
Pirates will even sacrifice the ninja women to Pagan diety's after having their way with them.then sail to the persian gulf and steal spices and furs adorning themselves with stolen amulets and decapitated heads on the way to yet another drunken orgy.sending the few weak pirates who died by the hands of the wimped out ninjas to a burial at sea in a flaming longboat while drinking mass amounts of fortified rum.