Who would you like to meet from these forums?

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I'm definitely thinking we need to have a UM party for all the US posters, preferrably in the middle of nowhere. All the UM bands can play and we can drink and rock out until the middle of the next day.
I'd probably like to meet mutantllama or Ozzman from these forums.

They generally seem like witty gents, much like myself. :lol:
I'd drink with you double C :kickass:
:kickass: Happy belated birthday btw

I'm definitely thinking we need to have a UM party for all the US posters, preferrably in the middle of nowhere. All the UM bands can play and we can drink and rock out until the middle of the next day.
Dude we live really close to each other. We should hit up a newbury comics in Boston one weekend.

Humid dream, is that like a failed wet dream?
Wouldn't be failed if I was in it :cool:
I'd go drinking with both you and Zeph, Cookie. I didn't mention you earlier because I was unsure how much of a drinker you were.

My friends and I used to go drinking in Canada all the time. It's easier to bar hop when you're of a legal age. :cool:
Haha, yes I do. I'm twenty-one now, so it doesn't make as much difference for me. But I still have friends who are twenty and nineteen. We used to go to Clifton Hill because it was close to Buffalo.
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