It's only fair that you post photographic evidence of your wife so we can make fun of her based on a couple pictures...?
How is wearing a shirt you got from the equivalent of Walmart, some old jeans and hiking shoes "trying too hard?" You must be the archetypal American man who dresses like shit because he's afraid of being perceived as gay.
Why do you think he has to put on the player persona on the internet?I was blown away when I saw how skinny and nerdy looking King Drunkard is
I was kind of hoping for a "HUR HUR" response to my original comment. Surprised you got that upset about it.
I dress in cargo shorts and vintage cut AE Tshirts/polos or plain blue/black tshirts like 99% of the time (there are pics in the pics thread somewhere). I specifically don't post pictures of my wife just so I don't have to worry about a bunch of random dudes fapping to her.
Reposting 2 yr old photo of when I was in the Marines during my Sgt promotion.
Edit: Jorts?
Reposting of me from a year ago making a weird face during karaoke. How I dress in that photo is me pretty much all the time (the desert makes shorts a year round thing). I throw on a random hoodie or WALMART FLANNEL when it's cold.