Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Bunch of frauds. The Daily News ran the headline "What are these candidates laughing about?", with a small caption that read "How these Presidential hopefuls are using humor to boost their campaigns." FUCK OFF! FUCK YOU! Fraudulent charm wielded by deceivers of the public mind. I almost threw up in my mouth. I may sound like an idealist fag, but whatever happened to wanting to make a difference?!?! I guess that novel idea was left behind in a Philadelphia town hall in 1776.

Politics has switched roads from who will run the country the most effectively, to a matter of who will fuck it up the least.
fuck hillary. and fuck the right wing media sources that bash her based simply on her last name, isn't there enough that she's done on the record to bash her for?? jerry is COMPLETELY right about elections being based on who will fuck us all in the ass a little more tenderly. and who rigs the fucking votes better, because it sure as hell isn't the american people picking the president, though they probably don't need the help fucking themselves.

dammit now i'm really pissed just thinking about this shit, i can feel the veins bulging out in my forehead. fuck there's nothing more dangerous than a large group of people, the larger the group the worse the danger. and 270-something million people is pretty fucking big.
im voting billary right now. ill be honest here, i dont give a shit about some war we should have never started. im almost completely basing my vote on who i think will help our economy with things like bringing the dollar back up in value, lowering gas prices, having better jobs available.....

with bill back in the white house, we have our best shot. remember the late 90's? most of you are probably too young to remember 15% yearly raises and off the wall bonuses.
fuck hillary. and fuck the right wing media sources that bash her based simply on her last name, isn't there enough that she's done on the record to bash her for?? jerry is COMPLETELY right about elections being based on who will fuck us all in the ass a little more tenderly. and who rigs the fucking votes better, because it sure as hell isn't the american people picking the president, though they probably don't need the help fucking themselves.

dammit now i'm really pissed just thinking about this shit, i can feel the veins bulging out in my forehead. fuck there's nothing more dangerous than a large group of people, the larger the group the worse the danger. and 270-something million people is pretty fucking big.

Wrong, we do "pirck" the president (vote fixing and other assorted tactics aside). We don't pick who gets to RUN, and THAT is the problem. There's no way in hell a third party candidate with poor name recognition and less then 30 billion dollars and the most enthusiastic and dedicated staff since the Perot team will ever even carry a single state. It's damn near fucking impossible to even get on the ballot in all 50 states for pretty much any 3rd party candidate that isn't Ross Perot.
Anyone notice how gas prices have dropped 35-40 cents over the past 2 months? What a fucking coincidence eh?!? Do the political string pullers actually think that we're going to forget getting ass raped at the pump for the past 5 fucking years?!?! I expect to see them fall another 40 cents by November

G.O.P = Gouging our Pockets (Clever eh, I just came up with it)

We need a strong Third Party NOW!!!!
so Obama and Huckabee last night in the Iowa caucus ... WTF!

unless the voters went out and said ... "see, this is what can happen if you don't go and vote"

I am going to do some more looking into Edwards' background ... I am tired of all these other fucks. Even Hilary bores me, and I am beginning to agree that we need somene new and fresh as a leader ... fuck these dynasties.
I am going to do some more looking into Edwards' background ... I am tired of all these other fucks. Even Hilary bores me, and I am beginning to agree that we need somene new and fresh as a leader ... fuck these dynasties.
I actually donated to Edwards today. I don't think there's been a candidate this strong, with as good a chance of winning, in a very, very long time.

The fact that he's not taking any corporate money, is huge.

^ I would have to say after looking into each of the candidates, he would definitely be my first choice as well. I'm still very confused as to what drugs people were doing to nominate Kerry over him in '04
with Obama and Hillary being so far the two extremes ... Edwards might have a good chance and sneak in between ... as he did in iowa

i like his stance against corporate greed